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The boys were born in March, by C-section.  They were too big for me to give them birth naturally. They both have blue eyes and blonde hair, mostly their daddy's features.

Gabriel couldn't have been prouder when his boys were born. He's the perfect father. He's attentive,  gentle, playful yet strict. I couldn't have asked for a better partner in life, for a better husband.

Yesterday we got married at the city hall but we can't leave on our honeymoon as the babies are still too small. They're merely 4 months old. I can't bring myself to leave them alone for 1 day, not to mention 1 week.

I spend all my time just taking care of them, of the house. In the end, when the house was ready, we asked Mia to come live with us and she gladly agreed. Her two bedroom appartment wasn't big enough for all of us, but the house is. Gabriel has hired staff for Bisou and now we just go there every day to have our coffee. Life is simple and beautiful by his side. I can be myself, speak my mind freely, make my own decisions. I realised how precious these things are when they were taken from me, but I was brave enough to try to find get them again.

The front doorbell rings and Mia runs to open the door.

"Is Gabriel home?" I hear a female voice and I immediately know who that is.

I run fast to embrace Luna, who is sitting in the doorway with a toddler in her arms and a tall man next to her. I invite them both in and guide them to the living room.

Before I get to sit down, the doorbell rings again. I go to the door this time and when I open it I see a beautiful woman holding a handsome boy's hand. She has dark hair and olive skin. Her big dark eyes are contoured beautifully by a smokey eyeshadow. Everything about her screams grace. Luca appears from behind her with a smile on his face.

"You must be Rhea." I tell her with a smile as I realize who she is. "It's wonderful to finally meet you." I tell her with my most sincere voice. She gives me a candid smile and takes my hand in hers.

"The pleasure is all mine." Her voice is soft yet firm, perfectly balanced, and has a musicality to it. How can Luca not love this woman?

I invite them in and guide them to the living room where everybody else awaits. A few minutes later, Gabriel arrives from work and finds us all sharing laughs.

"Brother." Luna jumps and runs to hug him. Luca gets up as well and walks towards his brother.

"We have come to congratulate you on your wedding and to hold the official wedding ceremony according to the Valhireya law." Luca says and hugs his brother.

"What?" Gabriel says as he stand frozen in place.

"Come on, big brother. You need to be married by this law and the other." Luca teases him and finally Gabriel lets out a small chuckle.

"Shall I put on a white dress, then?" I ask them with a big smile on my face.

I put on a floor length white silk dress and go into the garden, where they all wait for me

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I put on a floor length white silk dress and go into the garden, where they all wait for me. Even the twins giggle happily in Luca and Rhea's arms. Aurora stands next to then in a pink dress smilling and applauding us.

The ceremony is carried out by the king, that gives us a wonderful speech about love and commitment to each other, while also looking at his wife. This makes me feel even more happier.

As he finishes his speech, Rhea gives us the crystal glass with white wine and Luca gives us the arrow of Cupid. I pinch myself first in the finger and drop a little blood in the wine. Then Gabriel pinches himself in the finger and does the same. We both take a sip of wine and seal our bond for life.

"What was united in blood, may never be separated by man. You may kiss the bride." He says at the end and everybody bursts into cheers and applause. We share our husband and turn towards the others.

As Gabriel and Luca are busy with the others I go to Rhea who lovingly plays with the kids.

"You are an amazing mother." I tell her.

"I simply try my best." She tells me and I finally notice the small bump she has as she picks up Aurora.

"Oh my! You're pregnant." I tell her and clap my hands.

"Twins." She tells me and caresses her belly.

"Congratulations." I tell her with all my heart and hug her gently.

"Thank you." She tells me.

"Rhea, may I ask you something?"

"Sure." She tells me.

"Are you happy?" I ask her a little concerned that Luca might still be up to his old ways.

"Very." She says but I feel the need to push the question even more.

"And Luca? Is he good to you?" I ask her afraid that it will upset her.

"I know your story, Clara. He told me about you. He also told me that you challenged him to be a good king and a good husband and he is. I can't deny that I was miserable all those years he searched for you. But now he's changed. He tries so much to make me happy. He is too controlling sometimes, but I think it is because he cares so much." She tells me with a warm smile.

"I am extremely happy to hear that." I tell her.

"To hear what?" Luca's voice comes from behind me. I turn around and see him smiling. He looks genuinely happy and relaxed.

"I am happy to hear you are a good king." I tell him.

"And a wonderful husband." Rhea adds.

"For you, anything, my beloved queen. I love you." He tells her and my heart melts right there.

I sneak by their moment and go to my sexy husband that is too busy talking with his baby sister.

"May I steal my husband for a dance under the moonlight?" I ask them and take his hand. He excuses himself and follows me to the center of the garden.

The music slowly fades into the background as we both dance slowly underneath the garden lights.

"Are you happy, my love?" He asks me as he looks around. "Is this everything you've ever dreamed of?"

"My imagination couldn't have conceived such a beautiful moment, cielo. It's beyond my most beautiful dreams." I tell him and he captures my lips into a loving kiss.

In the end, we all found each other. We made a mess out of our lives, broke our hearts and bodies, but we found a path towards the light. He is the love of my life and I will fight for us every single day. I will choose our love among any other thing on this world, because this world may be wicked and try to wrecks us, but the brave are the ones who win the fight by finding love. It is love that brings us all together and helps us stand against everything that life throws at us.

"I love you, sugarcup."
"And I love you, cielo mio."

The wicked and the brave (Book 1- Valhireya Series- Completed)Where stories live. Discover now