Chapter 7

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"So? How do I look?" I ask Vic after putting on the red lipstick.

"You look nice." He answers without even looking at me. He's too busy playing on that stupid laptop that he bought from the black market.

"I am sorry you can't join me." I tell him only half sincerely.

"You know I don't like parties. Go and have fun." He waves me goodbye and returns to his game.

I don't say anything else because it's pointless anyway. I don't even think I want him to join me. I just take my long coat, give him a quick kiss on the cheek and leave.

He's always like this. We never go out, we never do fun things, he's never spontaneous. I was excepting him to bend me over the table and fuck me senseless when he saw me in this dress, but he was just like a stone. I am starting to ask myself whether he still loves me anymore.

Frustration builds inside me by the time I reach the portal to the institute. All these questions eat me inside: why doesn't he want me anymore? Did he get bored with me? I was supposed to marry him. Is he ever going to propose to me? Do I want to live my life like this? A long row of meaningless days?

When I enter the ballroom, I go straight to the wardrobe and leave my coat.
Then, I walk around to admire Gabriel's work. I am amazed by how he has outdone himself again. There are white roses on every table, silver cuttlery and delicate  China plates. Sparkling gemstones garlands hang from the ceiling which has been covered with dark silk, to resemble the sky. There are everlasting candles everywhere in the room, making the sparkling garlands shine like the stars. It's like a fairytale.

"Beautiful." I murmur while turning around to admire the room.

"Beautiful indeed." I hear a voice and turn around. My eyes freeze on the tall and dark silhouette of Luca. He licks his lips as he lowers his gaze on my body, sending a bolt of sensations straight to my core and making me gasp for air. All the questions in my mind  instantly fade away and all I can think about is how mouth watering he looks.

"Dance with me!"

Before I can answer, he pulls me in his arms and we start moving to the soft beat.

"I never said I would dance with you." 

"And yet, here you are, in my arms." He whispers to my ear, without touching my skin. This is such a dangerous game to play but somehow I can't find the strength to stop him.

"One dance." I tell him while also trying to convince myself.

"One is all I need." He smiles and plants a soft kiss on the fabric on my shoulder. I am shocked by his gesture but I decide to let it slide. He is clearly already intoxicated with alcohol and won't remember doing this tomorrow.

"How much did you have to drink?" I ask him while the music continues. The scent of alcohol is very strong on him so I don't really need the answer to that question.

"I was getting bored. But then you showed up and my night just became the best one of my existence." He looks at me with his blue eyes and I forget how to breathe. He is wearing a black shirt that fits his muscular body perfectly, a black pair of pants and some black shoes. To say he looks sinfully gorgeous doesn't even begin to cover it. But the thing that has me mesmerized right now is the way he looks at me.

"Can I offer you a drink?" He says while taking my hand. I thank the Gods for my gloves again as he guides me through the crowd. All eyes are on us as we advance towards the bar and I can see people already whispering.

"I don't think that is a good idea." I tell him while looking around.

"People will always talk. Just for tonight, try to enjoy yourself. I have a feeling a fun night is long overdue for you." He gives me a panty dropping smile and all I can do is nod in agreement.

"That's the spirit. Cheers!" He raises his glass and takes a sip, not breaking eye contact with me.

The intensity of his eyes makes me forget about the world around me. The way he looks at me, it still keeps me in a trance, like I am under his spell. For once, I feel alive, I feel normal, like a woman standing in front of a man that thinks she is beautiful and wants her. I've missed this feeling. Ever since my visions started, I've been scared of living. Maybe the Gods will be kind enough to let me enjoy this night without any repercussions.

I take a sip of my wine and put down the glass. He takes a step closer and before I can realize what's happening, he is spinning me around on the dancefloor again, making me laugh with joy. I love this feeling, like there is no worry in the world.

After some time, my feet get tired and I go find a sofa to take off my heels. He follows me and I don't even bother trying to stop him. His presence makes me happy and I want to feel happy. I deserve it!

We both sit down and start talking and laughing at silly things. He makes me feel at ease around him. He doesn't push on any topic, just lets the conversation slide and makes silly jokes now and then. I look around and everyone is having such a great time. My heart clenches in my chest remembering the fear I live with every day, all the things I have to give up just for the sake of being safe. All these people dancing and laughing... This is what people normally do...

"Would you allow me to show you something?" He asks while taking my hand in his. I wish I could actually feel his touch. My satin gloves are beautiful but right now, I want to run feel his fingers touch my skin.

"That's a weird way to ask a question." I push back all my thoughts and smile at him.

"Give me a break. I've had lots of wine and I managed to smuggle some bourbon from the human realm."

"You naughty boy!" I burst into laughter this time and he just looks with a warm smile on his face.

"Come." He gets up and raises his hand for me to take it.

He guides me through the house to an area where I haven't been before. After some more corners and hallways, he opens the door to a greenhouse. How come I've never found this place?

"After you." He says and I step inside the glass room. As I look around, I am lost at words.

"This place is amazing. How could I not know about this?"

"Well, Gael cast a protection spell to keep it hidden. It used to be our mother's passion. She used to grow her healing herbs here at first, but after a while she started planting all sorts of flowers. It became her refugee during her sickness time. Now Gael looks after it and still grows some of his herbs here."

The glass construction is lit by some bioluminescent flowers that I have never seen in my life. The place is filled with sweet scents of different plants. There are purple roses and black calla lilies, golden tulips and even silver orchids. I can't help but feel overwhelmed with the beauty of this indoor piece of heaven.

"Thank you for bringing me here, for showing this to me!" I tell him not realizing he is behind me.

He takes my hand and spins me around, capturing my lips with his. I am shocked by his action and he takes advantage of that to pull me closer to him, wrapping his hands around my waist. Our lips dance slowly, savoring eachother, lavishing in the sensation.

Images start playing in front of my eyes: him kissing me, us drinking coffee in the morning, cooking together and then my body freezes at the last image that I see just before our lips part.

The confirmation of all my fears: me telling him "I love you..."

The wicked and the brave (Book 1- Valhireya Series- Completed)Where stories live. Discover now