Chapter 8

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It took me all my courage to steal her this kiss but seeing her face now, after the moment ended, makes me confused. I've never even bothered thinking about a woman's feelings before. I have never been afraid of how she would react. What makes it even weirder is the fact that I feel like a horny teenager when I'm around her.

"I'm sorry but I'm not sorry for kissing you." I tell her with my arms still wrapped around her waist. Her entire body is shaking with all the emotions twisting in her soul. I look at her lips, then into her eyes and then I slowly lean in for another kiss.

"Please don't..." her voice is like a whisper, barely audible.

"What should I listen to?" I touch her nose with mine. "Your words?" I tilt my head and look at her lips. "Or your body?" I press my finger into her flesh, making her gasp and I capture her lips again.

This time, the kiss is not delicate. It burns me inside with the passion of a million fires. Our tongues explore each other, battling for dominance. I bite her lower lip and earn a moan from her side and I'll be damned if i'd say that the moan didn't make me hard as steel.

Her hands wrap around my neck as I deepen the kiss, lifting her in the air and placing her on a table behind her. I run my fingers up her thigh, making her shiver with desire. Her entire body responds to me like fire does to gasoline. So sexy, so delicious...

I kiss the corner of her mouth and then make my way down to the side of her neck, kissing her collarbone.

"Luca..." my name on her lips sounds like a spell I didn't know even existed. It makes me lose my mind with lust. I run my fingers on the side of her hip, on side of her waist and to the base of her breast, slowly pulling the dress away from her shoulder, to expose it.

"Luca. Stop!" She says while covering herself and pushing me away.

"Why?" I ask her visibly frustrated.

"Because this is wrong. I am in a relationship, I am supposed to marry that man. I can't do this."

"It's a bit late for that, isn't it, sweet lips?" I raise my eyebrow and see her frown.

"You confuse me! You cloud my mind. Whenever you are around me I can't hear my own thoughts! It's like you are a poison to me!" She tells me with a shaky voice.

"Or a drug." I tell her as I lick my lips to feel her taste some more.

"This can't be happening." Her hands start shaking as I touch her chin and pull it upwards, making her look at me.

Her eyes turn white and she starts to murmur something. He legs give up on her and she falls in my arms.

"Clara! Wake up! Claraaa!!!"

Fuck! What is happening to her? I shake her to get her to react but I get nothing. I panic and pick her into my arms. I run down the hallways to search for Gael. She is still shaking and murmuring things.

Gael sees me carrying her in my arms and runs towards me. I am scared out of my mind. Her skin is so pale and her lips have turned a purple shade. She looks so broken.

"You fool. You never listen. Go pick up some of those shinny flowers that light up the greenhouse and bring them to me!"

"What is wrong with her?" I ask him with a shaky voice while panic keeps running through my body.

"Her visions are taking over. GO!!!"

I run back to the greenhouse and pick four flowers. As soon as I pick them, they turn into a purple shade and start smelling like a mixture of tabacco and absinthe. What a weird flower!

As I enter Gael's lab, I see her on his sofa, still shaking.

"People will die for the king to get his revenge. The child needs a father." She says while her fragile body twists painfully, making my soul feel like it's crushed into million pieces. What have I done?

Gael takes the flowers and puts them into boiling water. He then mixes some powders and stirs the potion with a wooden spoon.

He pours the mixture into a cup and submerges the cup in iced water to cool it.

I just stand in the doorway and look at this horror scenario that happens in front of my eyes.

Gael takes the cup and brings it to her lips.

"Come on, sugarcup, you need to drink this." He tells her with a soft voice. A sting of jealousy grows inside me when I hear him call her "sugarcup" but I know I can't say anything. He probably already figured that something happened between me and Clara but I don't want to give him the confirmation yet.

"I am getting really tired of cleaning up your mess. I told you to stay away from her! You see what you do to her? She doesn't know how to control her visions. We've been trying for six years to find a way but so far we only got the Momentumis flower that basically put her brain on a pause for a few hours."

"Well, you haven't tried enough!" I tell him.

"You think you're smarter? You think I haven't read everything there is to read on oracles?" He hisses between his teeth.

"Maybe she doesn't need instructions from stupid books!" I hiss back at him.

"Yeah... maybe all she needs is your dick inside her, right? Because that's all you can think about, you selfish piece of shit!"

And that does it for me. I punch him in the nose and he punches me back in the eye. Before things escalate into a full fight, we both hear Clara's voice.

"Guys, please stop! Why are you fighting?" Her voice is so weak but it's enough to make us focus our attention back on her and not on our issues. Before I can even take a step towards her, she loses her conciousness. At least she isn't murmuring things anymore and her eyes are back to normal.

"Looks like your potion worked." I tell Gael.

"Of course it did!" He says with a triumphal voice.

"I don't know what I'm doing..." I tell him honestly while I pull a chair to take a seat.

"You never have and I don't think you ever will." He patronizes me.

"I can't stay away from her. I don't know why. It's like an invisible string that pulls me towards her all the time. Like her soul speaks to mine. I just can't!" I finally say it out loud.

"Sounds like your new obsession."

"Go fuck a troll or something!" I tell him off. He just looks at me with a worries look on his face

"You will be her doom!"

The wicked and the brave (Book 1- Valhireya Series- Completed)Where stories live. Discover now