Chapter 17

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"Thank you, madame." I tell the kind lady from the store and take the bags with the groceries.

I walk home, stopping from time to time to allow my palms to recover from the burn of the weigth. As I reach the house, I find Luca sitting in the kitchen, waiting for me.

"Where were you?" He asks me with his face red with anger.

"Isn't it obvious?" I smile at him and walk towards him to give him a kiss, but he turns his head away.

"What's wrong?" I ask him confused.

"You shouldn't have gone out without me!" His voice makes me jump in my spot with fear.

"What?" Is all I can say because my mind is frozen in disbelief. Who is this man? What's wrong with him?

"You mustn't go out without me!" He says again, crossing his arms.

"Luca... I went to shop for groceries. I didn't do anything wrong!" I tell him, trying to convince him to calm down. I also try to calm myself down because I can feel the anger building inside of me as well. I spent the last four years locked inside a cage and now he wants me to lock me as well.

"Don't do it again!" His voice booms again in the kitchen.

"You are kidding me! If you think I am going to just stay inside the house and wait for you to return home, you are terribly mistaken!" I feel my cheeks getting red and I try to stop myself from turning everything into a major fight

"You want to have people touch you so that your visions can take over you? We don't have Gael to heal you, Clara!" He continues to yell at me.

"First of all, lower your fucking voice!" I hiss at him, pointing a finger towards his chest.

"Second of all, I am well aware of the danger of people touching me, but that's why I have the gloves on!" He wants to say something but I give him a glare and he shuts up.

"And third. Never boss me around! I am not a dog to sit and wait for you by the door!" I finally say it and it feels so good to let it out.

"You are playing with fire, Clara. I won't accept you wondering the city by yourself." His voice is low and menacing.

"And what are you going to do if I go out?" I raise an eyebrow and wait for his answer.

"I will leave you!" He says with pure anger in his eyes.

"Excuse me?" I lose my temper completely.

"You heard me well! I will leave you!" His voice is very equal, making my hair stand on my back.

"You? Are going to leave me? You are the one that seduced me! You're the one that took me away from the man I spent the last four years with! I can't go home because of you! And you threaten to leave me? Are you mental?" I yell at him and feel a tear rolling down my cheek.

"Yes! I will leave you! I know you keep moping around after your precious Victor! That's why you go out. You want to find a way to contact him! You are still in love with him!" He tells me and I am lost at words with his stupidity.

"You really are crazy! How can you say that? I spend my days making YOU happy, taking care of YOUR needs, cooking for YOU! and you dare to tell me that I think about another man? My entire universe revolves around you, you bloody idiot! But you're too busy blowing your ego up with paranoia! I'm done with this conversation!" I tell him and go lock myself in the guest bedroom.

After I close the door I break down into an uncontrollable cry. We've been here for nearly two months and now he begins with this bullshit. It's hard enough to leave my whole life behind, I don't need his temper explosions as well. Why is he acting like this? I didn't give him any reason to doubt me, to doubt my love.

I fall asleep curled up in a ball, hugging the pillow while softly sobbing. I just hope this isn't something that will happen too often.


"Clara?" I gently knock on the door. I know I fucked up, but I couldn't control myself. The thought that she would go out and meet another man... or return to Victor... it make my blood boil. But she needs to stop defying me. I need to know where she is all the time.

"Clara! Can you please open the door?" I realize my voice is a bit too harsh so I speak softly.

"Please, Clara. I am sorry. Just open the door." I lean against the wall.

The door slowly opens and I step inside the room.

"What are you sorry for?" She asks me.

"I am just sorry." I tell her, not knowing what to answer her. I am not going to do an introspection session at this late hour in the night.

"What are you sorry for? What did you do to feel sorry for?" She asks me with her arms crossed and tears in her eyes.

"I am sorry for upsetting you!" I tell her and try to move closer to her but she moves a bit further away.

"What is it that upset me?" She asks me and I feel myself getting angry again.

"I am not doing this shit! I came here to apologize to you and you want to continue arguing!" I get up from the bed but she grabs my hand to make me sit down again.

"I don't want to upset you! I just want you to be aware of why I am upset with you, of what you are sorry for!" She tells me and I roll my eyes.

"I said I'm sorry for upsetting you, what do you want more?" I ask her with a forced smile on my face.

"You should be sorry for suspecting bad things about me. That offended me deeply. And you should also be sorry for trying to lock me inside the house."

"Yeah, yeah. I'm sorry for what you said!" I try to avoid dragging this conversation more than my nerves can handle.

"I forgive you! But not because I believe your excuse but because I don't want to go to sleep angry with you." She tells me and gives me a kiss on the cheek. Then she goes to the bathroom and starts the shower.

"Great job, idiot..."


This was a scene that was very hard for me to write. I am sorry if you feel like the story is moving too slow, but I want you all to understand all of Clara's future actions.

I put pieces of my soul in all my female characters, Clara maybe a little more than others.

Remember, love shouldn't be a battle, it should be a partnership!

Wish you all to love and be loved! ❤❤❤

The wicked and the brave (Book 1- Valhireya Series- Completed)Where stories live. Discover now