Chapter 30

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Having spent the last couple of weeks with them has brought sense to my life again, but I am getting annoyed with the fact that I must pretend to be human all the time. My fingers ache for some magic. I really wish we could co back to Valhireya. I want to show my daughter the wonderful things she will be able to do with her powers.

"Oww!" I hear Aurora's cries and run towards her. She has fallen and scrapped her knee. There's some blood around the wound and that seems to have scared her.

"Daddy!" She screams between her tears.

"Shhh, monkey.m! Daddy's here! I'm going to fix your knee, ok?" I take her into my arms and bring her inside the appartment. She keeps sobbing as she hold on to my neck. My heart breaks with each of her sobs. I still can't believe it when she calls me her daddy.

"Stay still, monkey! Daddy will fix your knee now." She nods and dries her tears with her palms, smudging the dirt from her palms on her face. She looks so adorable.

I focus and hover my hand above her wound. I channel the energy from deep inside and force it outside. I focus on healing and feel the warmth of energy leaving my palms. I open my eyes and see the white rays generating from my fingers. Aurora looks at my hand in bewilderment. Her tears have stopped as she tries to understand what I am doing.

The wound slowly closes after a few seconds. I raise my pointer finger and place it against my lips to signal her to stay calm.

"It will be our little secret! You're ok now." I smile at her and she just looks at me confused but smiling. Good! She is not scared.

"I will explain to you when you grow a bit older. You will be able to do this too." I pick her up in my arms and go to the bathroom to clean her up. I place her on the countertop and take a clean towel, dip in in water and start cleaning her cheeks. After I finish, we go to the kitchen where I cook her some chicken risotto. As I sit her down at the table, the doorbell rings.

"That must be mommy!" I tell her and I go open the door. Clara enters the door with a shy smile on her lips. It's the first time she comes to my place, so she doesn't feel very comfortable, from what I can notice.

"Hey!" I quickly kiss her cheek and see her turning red. "Come in! I cooked dinner for us." I tell her and take her jacket.

She carefully sits down at the table and I looks at me as I place a plate of risotto in front of her.

"Pofta buna!" (Translation: Enjoy your meal!)

"Very good!" She smiles at me surprised. "I didn't know you spoke Romanian."

"Well, I had to learn if I was going to find you." I smirk at her and she blushes again. Why is it that she feels so awkward when she's close to me?

We both eat our food while Clara also helps Aurora finish her small bowl. Fontunately, she finishes quite fast, so before we know it, she is running all around the appartment, exploring every corner.

"Wine?" I smile at Clara as she hides her face in her palms from exhaustion.

"Pleeaaase!" She gives me a real smile, this time, making my heart skip a beat. How I missed her smile...

We finish the bottle of wine, laughing and telling stories of the time we spent apart from each other. Before we know it, it's midnight and Aurora is already fast asleep on the couch.

"Oh dear, we overstayed!" She tells me as she notices the clock on the wall. "She's gonna throw a massive tantrum now, because I have to wake her up. Don't get scared of her!" She lets out an adorable sigh and tries to stand up.

"Don't wake her up then!" I capture her hand before she can stand. "Let me show you something!" I tell her and help her up the chair.

I guide her to the small hallway and open the door on the left to show her the adorable princess room I've prepared for Aurora. Her eyes light up in amazement as she looks around at the white furniture, the plush toys and everything else.

"Oh my, Gabriel! This is amazing!" She turns around and pulls me into a hug.

"Stay?" I ask her as I wrap my hands around her and hide my nose in the crook of her neck, as I always used to do.

Her entire body shivers in my arma as I try to linger a little more in our embrace. I finally let her go and look at her flushed cheeks.

"And where will I sleep?" She asks me shyly.

"Next to me. I have this huge king sized bed. You won't even feel i'm there!" I tell her and wink.

She softly giggles as I take her hand and open the door facing Aurora's room to show her the ginormous bed.

"So? Will you stay?" I ask her as I take her hand in mine and look into her eyes.

"Fine! Just tonight!" She answers and gives me a small nervous smile. This night is becoming more interesting as we speak.

"I'll go put Aurora in bed." She quickly tells me and leaves the room.

I decide I should take a quick shower and then get dressed for bed. I exit the shower and start rummaging the closet to find an old t-shirt. Before I can put it on, Clara walks in the room and sees me half naked. Her mouth opens up as her eyes scan my body from head to toes, lingering on my naked torso. Her cheeks blush as she tries to say something, but apparently her voice doesn't want to cooperate. Her reaction only makes me more determined to make her mine.

I take the other t-shirt on the bed and throw it towards her. She catches it in the air and then takes a deep breath.

"You can take a shower if you want to."

"I showered before coming here. I'll just go put this on." She quickly runs to the bathroom and return a few moments later in my t-shirt that ends right under her plump ass.

"Maybe this wasn't a good idea." She starts mumbling as she pulls down the sides of the shirt.

"Relax! It's just like when you were sick and I used to sleep by your side to take care of you." I gently caress her cheek and pull her into my arms.

She rests her cheek on my chest, as I stand almost a head taller than her. Her breathing is still accelerated and her body shivers a little.

"You're cold! Let's warm up under the covers!" I tell her and look into her eyes. My choice of words seems to affect her as well, because she looks at me like a deer caught in the headlights. I may be an asshole for thinking it, but this is so much fun!

As we both try to find a comfortable way to cope with the tension in the air, I turn around and look at her. She doesn't shy away from my gaze this time.

"You look beautiful!" I decide I should let these words hang in the air and just close my eyes and drift to sleep.

The wicked and the brave (Book 1- Valhireya Series- Completed)Where stories live. Discover now