Chapter 18

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After the fight, I was left with fear in my soul. All my life I heard my mother and father fighting. My father never wanted me. He always said I am a burden for him and an abomination. I remember all the yelling, shouting at each other, calling each other names. I spent all these years fighting to bury those memories and now they have resurfaced stronger than ever.

I don't know how to handle these feelings. I just don't want to be afraid anymore and since then, fear has been rooting inside my mind. Maybe I'm overreacting, but I've been walking on egg shells every single day, smiling without actually feeling like doing it, thinking even 4 times before saying something to him, so that I don't give him a reason to get mad at me. I feel happy when he holds me in his arms, but I also feel miserable as ever.

It's been six months since we left Valhireya, and all I've been doing is sitting around in the house. I feel like I am lossing my mind. I need to work, but I am afraid to tell him because of how he will react.

I hear the front door being unlocked and then his heavy steps on the wooden floor. I stop the stove and remove the pot from it just about the same time he enters the kitchen.

"Hello, stranger." I tell him with a smile but he doesn't say anything back.

Instead, he captures my lips into a longing kiss that sends ripples of desire inside my lower abdomen. His hands lock on my hips as he guides me towards the kitchen counter, lifting my dress in the process.

He sits me on the kitchen counter, not breaking the kiss, grunting softly against my lips.

This man will be my doom, but I'll be damned if I'd have it any other way. His touch feels like burning fire against my skin, making my mind go crazy with lust for him.

His fingers travel lightly from the side of my hip, between my legs, where he pulls aside my panties and rubs my folds. I let out a moan and open my eyes, just in time to see him smiling against my lips. He slides a finger inside me, making me gasp and shiver with desire at the same time.

"I've been thinking about taking you against this counter all day." His voice is low and lustful, making me cream his finger that moves in and out of me.

With his other hand, he peels my strap away to reveal my bare breast. His fingers squeeze it lightly, pulling up while his mouth locks against my nipple, sucking it hard and earning a loud moan from my side. My legs are shaking as the pleasure keeps adding to the sensation building between my legs.

His tongue swirls my nipple, teasing it, making it harden, while he adds a second finger inside of me and I swear that I can see stars behind me eyelids. I drop my head back while he continues to suck on my nipple and increases the pace of his fingers. My muscles clench painfully against his fingers, asking for a bit more, keeping me on the edge but not allowing me to fall over.

"Come for me, love." He whispers in my ear and with his other hand, he draws circles against my clit. That does it for me. I cum against his fingers, my entire body shaking with the aftershocks of my orgasm.

As I open my eyes, I see him standing in front of me with a smile on his face and a hand wrapped around his length, pumping it slowly.

When did he undo his jeans?

"You look so delicious when you come undone." He tells me and I feel my core clench with desire as a reply to his words.

I look at his hand, moving slowly against his rock hard length and I feel myself creaming even more. My mouth runs dry as all I imagine that length inside it. I hop down from the counter and give him a kiss, while my hand wraps around him.


I feel mentally exhausted by now. Trying to keep my mind under lockdown while she kisses me and moans against my lips like that is the hardest thing I've ever had to do. But the little vixen had plans to torture me further more.

She dropped on her knees and before I could even open my eyes to see what's happening, she wrapped her pretty plump mouth against my length, sucking it hard.

"Fuck!" I hiss between my teeth and tangle my fingers in her hair, grabbing it.

"Slow down, little vixen." I tell her and she opens her eyes to look at me in the most innocent way.

I swear by all Gods that this moment here is the hottest moment in my life. She continues to take me inside her warm mouth while looking at me and I can feel my legs shaking.

I gently tug at her hair to get her to stand up. As she gets up, I turn her around and enter her in one move, making her cry out my name.

"Very naughty!" I whisper in her ear while pumping in and out of her furiously.

All I can feel is her muscles clenching around me, making me lose control over myself. I grab a fistfull of her hair and pull it to gain the momentum I need to get her to come.

The sound of our skin slapping against each other allows lust to take over me. She comes hard, screaming my name while her muscles milk me hard. I retreat and come on her plump ass, panting really hard.

I wrap my arms around her and she just collapses against me. Right then, reality hits me.

I've lost my focus.

The wicked and the brave (Book 1- Valhireya Series- Completed)Where stories live. Discover now