Chapter 28

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I woke up feeling like myself again. I found her and I found another reason for living in the process. I have a daughter, I am now complete!

I just need to get Clara to forgive me. I don't know whether she will ever love me, but at least I want her to let me be in Aurora's life.

I put on a jacket and leave my small apartment. The good thing about having a rich human father is that we inherited a shitload of money when he died. Oh, and the fact that me and Luca had a lot of money invested in stocks just to be sure that we could afford living in the human realm does help with the lifestyle that I embraced lately.

I've never stopped investing all my money and that payed off. It allowed me to spend my days searching for Clara and my nights pretending to find her in other women, but I like to think those days are over now.

I stop by the mall first to buy Aurora a nice stuffed monkey and a bouquet of wild flowers for Clara. She always loved those. Then I take an Uber to Bisou to find her and Aurora arranging the cupcakes on the plates. They both giggle as they spin the cupcakes around. My heart starts beating faster when I see them like that. I've always pictured myself having a daughter, but I never dared imagine Clara as her mother. Life has a twisted sense of humour.

The mother of my child... my daughter... still feels like a dream. I am still afraid to say the words out loud. I approach the counter and the first one to notice me is Aurora.

"Mister Gabriel! You're back!" She jumps up with joy and goes underneath the counter to cross towards my side.

She wraps her tiny hands around my legs and looks straight up with a beaming smile.

"Angel, let go of Gabriel and go find Granny Mia! You can play with him later!" Clara tells her on a scolding tone.

"Before you go, I brought you something." I tell her and give her the bag with her monkey. She tries to peek inside but I stop her.

"Take the bag with you and go find granny!" I tell her and give her a wink. She giggles and runs up the stairs.

"You are already spoiling her." Clara rolls her eyes at me.

"I get it you don't want my flowers?" I ask her while revealing the bouquet hidden behind my back.

Her face goes through a series of emotions. First she looks surprised, then she looks angry, then she calms herself down and puts on a straight figure. She takes the flowers and puts them in water and then signals me towards a more intimate table.

As soon as we sit down at the table her posture becomes more tensed. She avoids looking me in the eyes and plays with her nails. It's funny how after all these years she still has the same habbits.

"You look lovely today!" I try to open the conversation with a compliment, as to maybe she will calm down a little, but instead I woke up the hydra.

"Don't say such things! What are you trying to achieve by saying that? You think I will sleep with you again?" Her voice is almost a whisper but I can hear the anger inside her.

"I was just trying to make peace, but now that you've mentioned it, I might just take you up on that offer..." I raise my eyebrow and give her a smirk. That seems to piss her off even more.

"Have you lost your damn mind? How dare you speak to me like that?" This time, her voice is more audible. It's a good thing the coffee shop is empty.

"Like what, Clara? I come here bringing flowers, bringing a gift for my daughter that you kept hidden from me for 3  years and this is what I get?" My voice is equal and calm. I won't give her the satisfaction. She cannot win this argument.

"You can't use Aurora every time we talk!" She puffs with anger.

"But we are not talking. I mean, I am, you are screaming." I tell her as I cross my arms and stretch over the chair. "Why don't you say the words? You haven't yet denied she is mine but you failed to confirm it either. So, which one is it, Clara? Is she mine or did you find yourself a new man to help you forget my beloved brother?"

That seems to catch her attention, but unfortunately for me, it also lights her fury even more.

"You asshole! Who do you think I am? You have no right to go into my private life! If it weren't for Aurora, you wouldn't even be sitting here!" She hisses at me.

"So she is mine!..." my heart flutters as I say the words and I feel like the chair is floating with me.

"Not by my choice!" She hisses at me again but I don't care. I just get up from my chair and go sit next to her. She follows me with her eyes, confused of what my intentions are. I look into her eyes and take her hands in mine, bringing them to my lips. I gently place a kiss on each one as I continue to keep her gaze. Her mouth is slowly parted and all traces of anger vanish from her face. Her cheeks blush and her gaze softens.

"I know you didn't want this, but you've made me the happiest I've ever been so far in this world. Thank you for making me a father! There is no better mother I would have imagined for my child!" I place a kiss on her knuckles again and hear her gasp for air. I gently lower her hands and look into her eyes. She looks so lost, so confused.

"I've missed you so much, Clara!" I tell her as I hold her hands in mine. She doesn't say anything, she just looks at me, at my face.

"You look tired." She tells me after a few seconds of silence.

"I haven't slept properly in 3 years." I smile at her and she gives me a small smile back.

"I am sorry for not coming back to you when I found out I was pregnant! I was selfish and angry." She tells me first, taking me by surprise.

"No, love!" I tell her and hear her gasp again. "You have nothing to be sorry for! You did what was best for you. I am sorry you had to go trough everything you did, but I am not sorry for that night, Clara!..." My voice becomes deeper as I say the last words and I can see her eyes widen as she processes what I just told her, but before she can say another word, Aurora comes running towards us, followed by an elderly woman.

"I should have imagined you are a handsome one!" The lady offers me her hand for me to kiss.

"Gabriel Cavalero! A pleasure meeting you, madame!" I smile and kiss her knuckles.

"Amalia Adinof, but you can call me Mia!"

"And I am Aurora!" She jumps happily and I lower my hands towards her.

"Come to daddy, sweet Aurora!"

The wicked and the brave (Book 1- Valhireya Series- Completed)Where stories live. Discover now