Chapter 4

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Ian Somerhalder as Gabriel Cavalero


The day went by extremely slow. I kept avoiding Luca until I finished my classes. I didn't want to cause more problems for myself. He seems the type of guy that can bend any woman according to his will and I can't be one of them. I just need to focus on Victor and everything will be ok.

I have a life to build and he won't be a part of it. I just have to pull myself together and move forward.

A sharp pain in my temple makes me aware of the fact that I've had too many visions lately. My ears start buzzing and I can't maintain my balance properly. I walk towards the exit, supporting myself against the wall and I am quickly greeted by a worried Gael.

"Gabriel..." I tell him while covering my eyes to avoid the sunlight.

"You haven't called me Gabriel in a long time, Clara." He frowns as he sees me struggling to keep my eyes open. By now, every spoken word seems like an explosion in my head and the entire world is spinning very fast.

"Are the headaches back?" He asks me while putting his arm around my waist to help me stand on my feet.

"Yes." I give him a feeble smile and allow my head to rest on his chest, trying to get some balance.

"Let's get you home. I don't want you coming back until you get better. I'll take over your class while you're gone." He tells me with a soft voice.

We both walk slowly towards my house. As we get home, I open the door and he lifts me up and carries me in his arms, putting me down on my bed. He gives me a kiss on the forehead and gently caresses my cheek.

"Get well soon!" He whispers and then turns around and walk away.

I fall asleep wondering why isn't Victor at home yet and wake up in the middle of the night with a headache that makes me scream in pain. Victor jumps from his sleep as I start crying.

"Not again!" He says and rolls his eyes.

"Arrrgghhh!!!" I yell in pain.

"I will go get Gael." He says and gets up from bed, annoyed that my headaches are back.

I don't know how much time passes before Gael walks in with his potion bag in his hand.

"I'll just go and sleep on the couch." Victor says and walks out, visibly pissed off.

"That's some loving boyfriend you have there." Gabriel says.

"Not...the...time..." I manage to say between my breaths. I press my fingers on the sides of my head to try and make the pain subside but it doesn't work. Gael mixes some powders in a small bowl and then adds some water on top of them.

"Drink it up, sugarcup!" He tells me and brings the bowl to my lips. I let the bitter drink slide down my throat and open my eyes to look at Gael.

"Thank.... you!" I whisper and pull him gently towards me.

"Do you need anything else?" He asks me.

"Stay!" I tell him and rest my head on his chest. I just need him to hold me for a little while.

"I don't know about that. Victor won't be very happy." He says and tries to place my head on the pillows.

"Stay!" I tell him again.

"Always!" He smiles and gives up. He puts his arm around me and pulls me towards his shoulder. I listen to his steady heartbeat and slip into a deep sleep.

I wake up alone, with a booming headache, but almost bearable. I find a bottle and a note from Gabriel on the nightstand.

"Mix two spoons with a glass of water. Drink it three times per day. I will miss you at the institute. GAEL."

His handwritting has always been so beautiful, so clean. I find myself smiling at his short note. He's always so attentive. I follow his instructions and drink the bitter potion. Soon enough the pain starts to subside and becomes much easier to bear.

I get up and start checking the tests I gave to my students yesterday. After a while, my stomach starts grumbling and I realize I need to cook something.

I put some chicken and veggies in the oven and return to my desk. I continue checking my tests until the chicken is done. Victor enters the house just as I am pulling the food out of the oven.

"Glad to see you actually doing something!" He puffs while sitting down at the table.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I ask him visibly irritated by his reaction. How dare he talk to me like this when I am the one keeping this household together?

"Because lately all you do is sit around and do nothing! You and your headaches and your tests and every other stupid thing!" He tells me while I put the plate before him.

"I am not your servant, Victor! I am the woman that sits by your side! If you want a servant, go and pick yourself a stable girl from the castle that will worship you and cook for you and clean for you! I am not that woman! So don't you ever dare talk to me like that again!" I tell him and grab my plate, leaving the room.

I go to the bedroom and sit on the bed. I start eating while tears pour down my cheeks.

What the hell just happened?


It's been 3 months since I saw her the last time. I kept roaming the hallway searching for her, but she never showed up again. I am starting to believe she will never come back again. I didn't dare to ask Gael about her because I don't want him to know that this woman is stuck on my mind.

He offered me a job at the institute, as a teacher for the 3 morphers. It's nice and keeps me safe from Stafan's eyes. His guards keep searching for me. It's a good thing the bastard doesn't know what I am or else I would have been dead by now.

As I walk towards my class, I see her on the hallway. She has lost a lot of weight but she still looks gorgeous. Her hair dances in golden waves. Her slender body floats above the wooden floors as she passes me by. Her perfume envelops me and makes my mouth run dry. She smells delicious, like black cherries and roses.

"Good day, madame." I tell her as she passes me by, trying to get a reaction out of her.

"Hello." Is all she says before entering her classroom. She doesn't look at me, doesn't smile, nothing.

I stop in front of my classroom door and lean against the wall. She is back. She is here. I smile like a fool and finally enter my class.

This is going to be so much fun.

The wicked and the brave (Book 1- Valhireya Series- Completed)Where stories live. Discover now