Chapter 32

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Toying with her emotions is my new favorite activity. I didn't need  to go anywhere. I didn't even need to sleep at her place, but hey, all is fair in love and war.

I just roam around the city and end up at a mall. As I wonder around, I notice a gorgeous dress that makes me think immediately about Clara. It is extra sexy with a deep cleavage and the colour is sinfully delicious. I enter the shop and buy her the dress and then I return to Bisou. I find her brewing coffee and serving customers, as this period is more crowded, with summer just  around the corner.

Mia is also there, helping out, serving cakes. I take a seat at our table and wait for the crowd to dissipate. Around half and hour later she comes and sits next to me.

"Hey, beautiful!" I tell her and she blushes again. I just love that colour on her cheeks. It gives me hope that maybe we could be together. But will she accept my proposal? So far she hasn't said no to any of my gestures. On the contrary, she's been very accommodating and understanding, sometimes even too forgiving.

"Hey back! Where did you go this morning?" She asks me while cleaning her hands with a towel.

"I went by the appartment to check everything is ok. They were just finishing up and getting ready to leave." I hate lying to her, but in this case it's necessary.

"Glad to hear that!" She answers and i can't help but notice she is a bit stressed out.

"I wanted to come by to bring you this." I place the bag on the table, taking her by surprise. Before she could open it, I get up and leave. As I am walking away I tell her "Be ready at 7pm!"

"What? Wait! Gabriel!!" I hear her shouting after me but I leave anyway.

Tonight is going to be so much fun.


"Could you believe the nerve?" I ask Mia as she reaches the table and sees the dress I am holding in my hands.

"Yes... the nerve!" She tells me with a playful  voice.

"You're enjoying this!" I scold her like a child.

"And you're a fool if you don't! Go out tonight, make some mistakes, get drunk! God knows you need to live a little! I will take care of Aurora." I frown at her words.

"And stop frowning so much! Overthinking will get you wrinkles!" It's my turn to be scolded this time.

"Fine!" I roll my eyes at her and she starts laughing.

"I wish I had your age and your beauty! God knows that boy wouldn't have left my bed." She winks at me and makes me laugh.

"You are something else, Mia!" I tell her chuckling.

"Yes! I am alive. You should try that too! Now go get ready for your date!"

"But it's only 3pm. What am i supposed to do for so many hours?" I ask her conflicted.

"Oh, I don't know: manicure, pedicure, shave?" She raises her eyebrow with a smirk, making me laugh again.

"Really, now!" I say in disbelief.

"Really! Go!"

Before you know it, it's already 6 and my nails are not dry yet. Why did I listen to Mia? I am keeping them under cold water to help them dry faster, walking around the room while shaking my hands, everything.

I decide I will start doing my makeup and hope my nails live to tell the story. Half an hour later, they appear to be dry, finally. I iron my hair and slip on the dress and shoes. I can't believe the cleavage of this thing. What was he thinking when he bought this for me? I suddenly feel self conscious and want to take it off. I start peeling the dress off my shoulder but a hand stops me. I jump at the contact but realize it's only Gabriel.

"Now, now... don't take this pleasure away from me!" His choice of words is conflicting as usual. I don't know whether he is referring  to the pleasure of me wearing the dress he bought or the pleasure of undressing me. My mind is playing some dangerous tricks on me. He lift the dress up on my shoulder and spins me around to study me.

"You look breathtaking!" He tells me on a low voice that melts me inside.

"Thank you! You look dashing as well!" I decide I need to match his compliment. He does look dashing in his all black attire. His eyes seem even more hipnotizing when he wears black.

"Shall we?" He offers me his arm and i take it.

Half an hour later we arrive a very fancy restaurant with red velvet chairs and expensive platings.

"This place is nice!" I tell him, feeling a little overwhelmed.

"It is! There will be a tango event at around 10 pm. Do you still know how to dance?" He asks me while looking at my lips. It's very distracting for me.

"Yes!" It's all I manage to say before the waiter comes to take our order.

After we finish eating, the lights dim a little and the band comes on the small red stage. The music starts playing in a moment and people start getting up to dance in front of the stage.

"May I?" He asks while offering me his hand. I take it without any word and we move to the dancefloor. He places his hand on my lower back, right next to my bum and pulls me close to him, so that our bodies are touching completely. His eyes are focused on mine and his look is very serious.

We slowly make our way between the other dancers and lose ourselves in the music of passion.

The wicked and the brave (Book 1- Valhireya Series- Completed)Where stories live. Discover now