Chapter 33

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By the end of the 2nd bottle of wine my inhibitions are completely turned off. Why shouldn't they? I'm with Gabriel, my saviour, my protector, my best friend. But right now, his eyes tell me a different story and his lips dare me to kiss them. Maybe it's the wine or maybe it's a new found feeling for him. Or is it an old one? It doesn't even matter anymore. I will just deal with the consequences tomorrow.

"Another dance?" He asks me with that sexy smile of his and my entire body seems to obbey his unspoken wishes. I know he feels it too. He's been at this game for almost two months now, throwing compliments, placing lingering kisses on my cheek, on my shoulder, in the corner of my lips.

And I? I let him do it because somehow I feel drawn to him. He has changed so much and that makes me want things... things that I don't understand, that I struggled so many years to push in the back of my mind. He's confident, he's daring, he's sexy. Everything about him seems so irresistible now. I wonder if he was like this before...

I snap out of my thoughts as I feel his hand sliding down my thigh, reaching to lift my leg. Suddenly, I am aware again that we are dancing and his body is so close to mine. His eyes are focused on me, studying each gesture I make.

"What were you thinking, love?" He whispers the question in my ear, making sure I feel his hot breath on my skin. Damn you, Gabriel!

"Nothing... everything... I was thinking about whether you were such a player before or did you just decide that you needed to change 3 years ago." The wine has me bolder than ever.

"I like you and wine! It's the best combination for me because you finally speak your mind." His lips are incredibly close to my skin as he continues to talk in my ear, making me hot and wanting.

"I don't know how I feel about you and your newly discovered player ways."

"Do you not like how I treat you?" He doesn't move from his position, on the contrary, his fingers dig into my hips as he guides me to do some rotating moves against him. I hear a soft grunt from his side and feel my core lighting up with desire.

"It's not that!" I answer quickly as the final strand of rationality threatens to leave me.

"Do I make you... uncomfortable?" The pause in his question is more than obvious for the true meaning of the question.

"No!" Again, my answer is short, trying to not give away what he's doing to my body.

"Are you sure, love?" His lips touch the skin on my neck again and I clench my fingers on the collar of his jacket, trying to hold on to my sanity.

"Aham..." my mind is clouded by desire, by his presence. I am at his mercy now.

"Do you want me to stop?" His question raises fear in my soul. Do I want him to stop? What do I want from him? What does he want from me?

He takes my lack of answer as the answer and presses his lips on my neck, kissing and nibbling at my skin. I moan softly in his ear.

"Shhh, love! Not here! Let's go home!" He tells me as he takes my hand and guides me to the car.

The ten minutes spent driving to his appartment seems like a blink of an eye, as his hand is rested against my inner thigh, gently caressing my skin.
He unlocks the door and takes my hand, guiding me inside the living room.

He stops in front of me and just looks me in the eyes. His hand finds mine as our fingers entwine. My heart beats so fast in my chest that I feel like it's trying to carve its way out of my chest.

"Not so brave anymore, right love?" His words taunt me as he raises my hand and his and presses a kiss in my palm.

"I..." I try to say something but I can't even remember what.

"You what?" He asks me with a dark voice while the space between un vanishes slowly.

"You..." I try to say something but again I am lost at words. He is the one in control right now. Whatever he asks, I will submit to his wishes.

"What do you want, love?" I can feel his breath against my lips. It's too close, too intoxicating.

"I..." deciding not to fight it anymore I close the space between us and press my lips against his. I feel him smiling as he starts kissing me slowly, torturing me like a skilful predator. Were his lips always so addictive?


I want to sink myself inside of her so bad that it fuckin' hurts, but I won't do this again. I won't fuck her unless she is totally sober and she begs for it. This time, I'm not taking any chances. I can't risk making her run the next day and take my daughter with her.

I gently kiss her, nibbling at her lower lip from time to time. I can feel how frustrated  she is, but it doesn't compare to the years I spent searching her in every woman that came my way, my soul dying each morning that I woke up just to remember they were not her.

My fingers run down her back and stop on her ass, squeezing it hard enough to make her moan and bring her close to my erection. She gasps with surprise and breaks the kiss, looking at me panicked.

"Don't worry love... I won't fuck you tonight! I need you to be sober when I do it. I need you to beg me to sink inside of you and make you scream with pleasure..." I tell her looking at her lips while closing the space between us again.

"Gabriel..." she whispers against my lips.

"What do you want, love?"

"Please..." she asks but she doesn't know what.

"Please what, love?" I taunt her.

"I need... please..." she whines against my lips and I feel a little sorry for her.

"Want me to make it better?" I lick her lower lip a hear a soft moan escape her.

"Yes!..." her voice is a soft and yearning.

I capture her lips in a passionate kiss and grab her ass even harder. Her hands wrap around my neck as I pick her up and carry her to the bedroom.

"Let's fix that ache, love. Shall we?"

The wicked and the brave (Book 1- Valhireya Series- Completed)Where stories live. Discover now