Chapter 38

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I hear Aurora giggle in the cart as I struggle to find the chocolate chips for Mia's famous chocolate chip cookies. When I turn around I see Luca standing  next to Aurora, making silly faces to get her to laugh. Blood instantly freezes in my veins and fear sneak into my mind.

"Hello Clara!"

His voice makes me uncomfortable now, makes me scared of him.


"Do you think we could talk for a few minutes?" He looks at me with Gabriel's eyes but I must remind myself he's not Gabriel.

"Do you think you could change your face? You're making it very uncomfortable for me to be around you. "

"It's my face as well, Clara. We're twins!" He smiles at me but that doesn't help with the feeling that he is scary.

"Not identical." I tell him.

"Is that what he told you? We are identical. " his eyes darken with anger as he mentions Gabriel.

"I just assumed. He didn't tell me anything." I quickly reply to him. "Let's talk!"

I take Aurora to the playground and pay the fee for 1 hour, informing the keeper that  only I am allowed to come pick her up and then I go and sit down in the restaurant area with Luca.

"I am listening!" I tell him.

"Why are you like this?" He asks me and tries to touch my hands but i move them away.

"I am only trying to go on with my life. Why are you here, Luca?" I ask him annoyed by his gesture.

"I came for you! I missed you." He tells me causing me to cringe at his words.

"Luca, you have a child, you are married to Rhea! Go to your queen!" I tell him. "Stop chasing things that were never real! I was a beautiful pray for you that you had to pursue. It's time you accepted that you can't have anything you want."

"But I can... i'm the king of Valhireya!" He tells me with a triumphant smile.

"Then go be a king...and a father... and a husband! You are 36 years old Luca. Maybe you will truly fall in love with Rhea if you try. She is a stunning woman! Her heart is your prize but you are too blind to see it!" I tell him and place a protecting hand over my lower abdomen. The smell in the restaurant area doesn't help me at all either. I take another sip from my lemonade and struggle to get it down my throat. He studies me closely and then lowers his head.

"Why him, Clara?" He finally asks me and I feel ashamed.

"It was a drunken mistake at first. After he found a way to strip me of my powers, I was still angry at him for not standing by your side to save you. He was angry at himself for the same thing. We were drunk out of our minds and high as fuck. That's how Aurora was born. I ran away but he found me five months ago."

"So you just fell into his arms?" He asks me while containing his anger.

"I didn't fall into his arms, Luca! I've always loved him, ever since he found me when i was 18! I didn't think he would feel the same for me so i tried killing my feelings for him." My answer doesn't please him at all.

"You were thinking about him while you were with me?" He asks me with his clenched fists. I place my hand on top of his and smile at him.

"Luca, I thought I didn't love him anymore. My feelings for him were numb for years when i met you!" He raises his eyes and looks at me.

"Luca, I am utterly in love with him! I've been in love with him all my life. Please forgive our love!" I ask for his forgiveness.

"I don't know..." he says.

"My king, you are kind and good. You will find it in your heart to forgive us, I am sure of that." I tell him and earn a smile from him.

"I think you're confusing me with Gael." He says.

"Maybe! You do have his face." I tilt my head and give him a friendly look. "Will you make sense in your life? Will you try to be happy? Will you be a good king for Valhireya?" I try to encourage him to move on.

"Oh, Clara. You know me! No rest for the wicked." His eyes flicker with his usual naughty spark and I suddenly understand the nickname Luna gave him.

"Indeed, Luca. But happiness belongs to those brave enough to fight for it."

"The portal is still open. You can return to Valhireya whenever you want... all of you." He tells me and I know he is sincere.

"Thank you, Luca!"

"Does he know yet?" He asks me as he helps me stand.

"Know what?" I ask him confused.

"About your pregnancy." He tells me pointing at my tummy.

"Not yet... i'm afraid to tell him. I'm afraid things will fall apart." I tell him honestly.

"You've been in love with my brother, the man that threatened to kill me if i ever hurt you, for a decade, and now you decide to be afraid of your feelings?" He says in disbelief.

"When you put it like that..." i smile at him as we walk towards the playground. He excuses himself and disappears for a minute while I go and pick up Aurora. When he returns, he has the same face as the day I met him. I smile warmly at him and whisper a thank you in the air.

"Hello Aurora!" He lowers himself to her level. "I'm uncle Luca. I'm sorry I scared you the other day. I had a mask to scare daddy." He tells her and she giggles. She touches his face and then looks up at me.

"Uncle Luca." She says.

"Yes, little angel. Uncle Luca."

He picks her up in his arms and accompanies us to the car. For now, all is right in the world. I just need to tell my sex craved boyfriend that I he is going to be a daddy again.

The wicked and the brave (Book 1- Valhireya Series- Completed)Where stories live. Discover now