Chapter 21

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Tonight is the full moon. Tonight is the night that this curse ends. But I can't be happy, not when Luca is not here. I've never dared to dream before, but with Luca, it was different. There were moments when my mind would actually wonder around and imagine how our future would look together. I know that 2 weeks is not enough for the pain to go away, but it's suffocating me. I am starting to think that Gael is doing it right. He spends his nights drinking his mind away but at least he doesn't fall apart at each mention of Luca's name.

I go to the fridge and find some white wine. At least it's alcohol. I turn on the TV and pour myself some wine. By the time I reach my 3rd glass, Gael walks into the room. He stops when he sees me on the couch.

"What are you doing? We need to go!" He tells me and takes away the glass from my hand. I reach for the bottle and take a sip.

"As soon as I finish this bottle." I tell him giggling like a schoolgirl. Damn, this wine is strong. I'm so tipsy right now the entire world is spinning.

"You haven't eaten all day and then you decide to get smashed." He scolds me like I'm a child and that only makes me angry.

"Don't patronize me! You spend every night drinking till you fall asleep! Do you think I don't see that?" I shout at him as I clumsily stand up.

"That's me, not you! Stop acting like a child!" He points his finger at me and that makes me laugh nervously.

"And how do you know that? You don't know me!" It's my turn to point fingers.

He grabs my wrist and pulls me close to him. His eyes are fuming with rage. I've never seen him like this. His touch burns my skin and sends shivers on my spine. I try to free my wrist from his hold but he doesn't let me go. Instead he starts walking, pulling me behind him.

"Let me go, you caveman!" I hit his back with my free hand and he turns towards me again.

"Stop it with this drama queen act! I do know you and I won't let you self destruct!" He hisses between his teeth, while taking a step towards me.  I take a step back and I find myself backing to the wall. His proximity makes me feel weird, it makes my mind feel fuzzy.

"Are we understood?" He whispers as he looks into me eyes.

"We shall see!" It's all I manage to say and I break myself free from his hold.  I go downstairs with shaky legs and climb into the car, trying to shake away all the thoughts spinning in my head.


"Do we need her awake for this whole thing?" I ask Aura as we stop the car in the middle of fuckin' nowhere.

"Not really. If I could, I would prefer her sleeping. This whole procedure js quite painful and not to mention scary as hell."

"Good to know. I have something that should do the trick."

I go to the car and open the trunk to take out my bag. I should have some sleeping powders with me. I finally find the right recipient and open the back door where Clara is sleeping soundly.

"You've always been a louzy drinker." I murmur as I bring the herbs to her nose to let her inhale them.

"Don't know if that will do the trick. I really don't understand why you don't use your powers." Aura rolls her eyes at me.

"We will see if it will get to that." I tell her and lift Clara in my arms.

We walk into the woods for around 15 minutes before we get to a masive rock wall covered in all sorts of plants. Aura pulls them aside and just casually walks right through it. I follow her and exit the other side where a rock table waits for us.

The entire place is surrounded by tall trees that seem to stand still. There is no wind, no murmur. Just silence and the moonlight casting upon the rock table.

"Place her there!" Aura tells me and I don't need more instructions.

"As soon as the clock hits 12, I will begin the ritual of removing her powers."

"It's all she ever wanted." I tell her as I caress Clara's cheek. "Have you ever done this before?" I ask Aura with fear of the answer.

"Many times. Every time evil has tried to take over the world, my people hunt it down. If that evil was a witch or a warlock, we would bring him or her here and have their powers dried."

"That's nice, but have you done it?" I ask her again.

"Don't make me laugh! How old do you think I am, Gabriel?" She lets out a delicate giggle and then comes next to me. "You must leave now. This is not something you can see!"

"Come on, Aura." I tell her with a pleading voice. My soul is filled with worry and I find it hard to breathe at just the thought of leaving her alone.

"It is the law, Gabriel. Leave or the ritual is off. Decide now. You only have 3 minutes until midnight." She tells me with her familiar calm.

"Just take care of her." I tell her and place a kiss on Clara's forehead.

I turn and walk away with heavy steps and a weird feeling in my chest.

"Everything will be alright." I murmur to myself as I step back into the forest. "Everything will be aaalright."

The wicked and the brave (Book 1- Valhireya Series- Completed)Where stories live. Discover now