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I was about to leave my apartment when I saw a note inside my mailbox. 

I hurriedly opened it, only to see that our landlady is selling the whole flat, and she was terribly sorry but to make us move out from our own apartment. 

I went to school after because I had classes in the morning, When it was lunch time, I groaned loudly as I plop my head unto the table.

"What's wrong Mitang?" Sana asks

"I'mma be homeless" I mumbled but loud enough for the girls to hear. 

"eh why?" Momo asks. 

"That landlady's gonna sell the whole flat next month and I've got nowhere to go." I pout creasing my forehead. 

"wait? Next month, that's like 5 to 6 days from now" Nayeon uttered as she opens her lunch. 

"Wahh that landlady's cruel" Dahyun uttered while munching her food. 

"hmm, by the way, Where's Chaeyoung?" I asks nonchalantly. 

"That, I don't know" Dahyun uttered. 

"Looking for me?"

We automatically eyed on the owner of the voice. 
A smiling Chaeyoung sat beside Tzuyu who's eyeing the latter with a worried expression. 

"Chae, are you okay?" Dahyun asks the second she sees the latter. 

"hmm? Yeah I'm fine, But hungry, give me that" She uttered still smiling as she points at Tzuyu lunch. 

Tzuyu poke the fried chicken and fed it to Chaeyoung. "You sure you're okay?" Tzuyu asks. 

"Yes, and oh I'm sorry bout the guy last night, He's just messing around, yknow" She smiled and continued to chew her food. 

"But Chaeyoung , that guy looked dangerous, you sure he didn't do anything bad to you?" Jihyo uttered. 

"Yeah Chaeyoung, we could call the cops and run investigation to that guy" Nayeon uttered. 

"Geez Unnies, Chill, you don't have to, and besides, I'm fine, you see" she waves her hands up to show us that she's really fine. 

Sometimes it's really hard to read Chaeyoung, because she always beam a smile that could light up a whole town. No one can really read her mind. 

We talked a lot last night, but she's still unreadable. 

"Just tell us okay?, so we can punch that guy" Jihyo uttered while raising a fist. 

Chaeyoung chuckled "I didn't know we have some awesome seniors here" 

"Hey, we're not just your seniors, we're your friends now, Okay?" Nayeon uttered. 

"Yes sure, thank you Unnies" Chaeyoung smiled and Tzuyu continued to feed her. 

"Oh by the way, What's the matter Mina Unnie, you're terribly silent" She uttered which made the others looked at me. 

"Oh, Yeah, she got a problem" Jihyo uttered. 

"what?" Chaeyoung asks. 

"Um, well I'm getting kicked out by the landlady of my apartment, she said that she'll be selling the whole flat next month, and I've go nowhere else to go" I explained. 

"hmm Mitang, how bout you stay with us in the dorms." Sana suggested. 

The others seem to agree as well. 

"Eh? But dorms are expensive, you know that my Dad controls my expenses right? I can't really afford to stay at the dorms." I explained. 

Well that's true, it was my decision to stay here in Korea even though my dad doesn't want me to. And for him to secure that I'll study good here, he would control my expenses through my credit card. And the dorms can cause me whole amount of my allowance every month. 

"Aish, Is your dad still controlling your expenses?" Jihyo uttered. 

I nodded and they all went silent, probably thinking of ways to help me.

"Oh I know a good idea!" Dahyun exclaimed. 

We all looked at her. "But it could be just temporary." She added. 

"What is it?" I asks. 

"Well you see, Chaeyoung here has a studio-apartment that she seriously rarely use. Tzuyu and I often hang out in there since it got a good view of the city" She suggested. 

I eyed on Chaeyoung who's busy chewing her food. Tzuyu on the other hand look at Dahyun in disbelief. 

Well who wouldn't. 

"Seriously Dahyun?" Tzuyu uttered. 

Sana, Momo, Nayeon, and Jihyo laughed. 

"Eh why?" Dahyun asks. 

"Y... You just gave Chaeyoung's studio away, What are you? Her attorney?" Nayeon uttered laughing at Dahyun. 

Yes it's kind of funny, Dahyun was really like a child who gave away her friends candies. 

"hmm, that's fine with me" the girls stopped laughing when Chaeyoung spoke. 

"Uh, No... No it's fine Chaeyoung, I can just look for other apartments." I uttered. 

"Mina, That apartment you are living in is the closest to our school, some apartment buildings are an hour away from our school." Sana uttered. 

"just live with us in the dorms" Nayeon suggested. 

"Dude, we will cramp the place, I know it's already a pain living with Momo and Sana" I uttered. 

"Yah! What do you mean a pain?" Momo uttered. 

"yeah, it's true, they're pain in the ass" Jihyo uttered sarcastically pinching the bridge of her nose. 

Chaeyoung, Tzuyu, Dahyun, Nayeon and I laughed at What Jihyo said, while the other two pouted as they simultaneously sipped their juice.

"You can use mine temporarily Unnie, until you find one" Chaeyoung uttered while wiping her mouth with a hanky. 

"Yes Mitang, Next month is like in a few days, I know moving can take a lot of time" Sana uttered. 

I sighed and smiled. 


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