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Dahyun's POV. 

I don't know why I felt the need to do this, but I guess I should. 

I don't think I can't stand being ignored by my own best friend. 

And so here it goes. 

"Sana Unnie, can we talk, I just need a minute, nothing less" 

I could see Sana in her make up, she was about to go and change but I called her. 

Yeah I just need a minute. Momo is waiting for me. 

Sana didn't utter anything and just followed me. 

I caught a glimpse of Tzuyu's figure, she looks dumb, hmmp. 

We stopped at the very corner. 

"Sana, I like you" I uttered plainly staring directly at her. 

"Dahyun, you know that I-" 

"Or I used to, I used to like you"  I cut off. 

Sana showed a confuse look.

I know, I just found out that it wasn't Tzuyu who kissed her. She was the one to kiss my best friend, and without consent, damn I should sue her for harassing my friend. 

But then, I know Tzuyu like her too. 

I shook my head and smiled. 

"I liked you, past tense, I can't lose my friend because of a girl" I chuckled. 

"And my feelings for you is not that deep, I just misunderstood everything, Momo made me realised that..." 

Sana smiled but was silent. 

"so, I'm here to apologise, sorry for making the girl you love sad" I smiled and bow at her. 

"I promise to be friends with her again" 

I guess sticking with Momo for weeks, I've became cheesy. 

Sana Unnie pulled me for a hug before going back. 

I walked back to where the girls are. 

Momo just looked at me. 


The event started, and when it was Tzuyu's turn, I shouted with all my guts. 

"THAT'S MY FUCKING BEST FRIEND OVER THERE!"  Clapping loudly laughing hard watching Tzuyu on the Isle. 

I noticed Tzuyu was also shocked and her eyes quickly searched for the owner of the voice, and when mine and her Gaze met, I yelled again

I noticed Tzuyu almost chuckled but then quickly brought back her unbothered look. 

Then Tzuyu smirk, and so the crowd went wild again.  

Ah really. 

The event ended, And I quickly ran to the back stage, the girls also followed. 

When I saw Tzuyu finally had changed, I quickly ran and jumped towards her, she's so tall, whyyy?. 


The both of us uttered in unision, we both laughed, Tzuyu then hugged me, the girls also hugged us, and when we broke the hug, I held Tzuyu's wrist and led them towards Sana, she look so confuse.

I held Sana's hand and clamped them together with Tzuyu. 

I stepped back "Hmm, looking good" 

Funny how it doesn't hurt anymore. 

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