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" I would recommend you to go under therapy, the medication will only slow it down, but the risk is unavoidable if you won't take the therapy."

The deafening sound of the air-conditioning inside this office, I listened to the doctor's words swallowing big lumps of air inside my system. 

" I'll think about it doc. "




Ah shit I think I called out too loudly, I could see her flinch. 

She turned around with a bit awkward expression. 

"H-hey Unnie... What are you doing here?" Chaeyoung uttered as she slowly covered something in her easel. 

"Um, just passing by..."  I miss you. 

"Oh... Um, okay" 

What the, I kinda feel disappointed. 

"um, okay... Bye" i sigh then went out of her room. 

The school's too gloomy, or Am I just gloomy myself. 
It's been so long since I hang out with her, I've been hanging out with  everyone, but I never get to hang out with Chaeyoung. 

When I was about to walk away I felt a tight grip on my wrist. 

I turned around to see Chaeyou.. 

"Um... Yes?".  Oh my God she's cute, but she's gripping too tightly. 

Chaeyoung loosen her grip and looked to me as she beamed a smile. 

"A-are you free tonight?"  

Oh my... Is she asking me out? 

"uh.. Um yeah, Why?" 

Chaeyoung slip her hands inside her pants as she looked down fiddling her toes 

She's so fluffy I'm gonna die. 

She finally faced me. "I'll pick you up later at 7, Okay?" She asked me out..... 

I slowly nodded as she beamed a dimple smile and faded inside her room. 






I quickly ran to the rooftop as I held it inside, not minding the weirded out stares of the art students inside the department. 

I flung the door open, thank God there's no one in there. 
I harshly closed it then proceeds to run in the middle of the roof. 

I breathe in.... And "KYAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!! SHIBALLLLL!!!!!!"  yelled in a very small voice.... 

My face felt hot as my heart beat was beating fast. I never felt this like forever. 

Third person POV 

Chaeyoung was waiting patiently for Mina to come out of the department building. 

"Hey, did you wait long?" Mina ran as soon as she saw Chaeyoung's figure waiting leaning on her motorcycle. 

"Nope Unnie" Chaeyoung beamed a smile as soon as Mina was getting close. 

She handed Mina a helmet as she straddle  on her motorcycle. 

Mina tried to hide a smile watching Chaeyoung wear her helmet. 

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