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"is this all of your things Unnie?" Chaeyoung asks while putting away the boxes.

"Yes, thank you so much Chaeyoung for letting me stay here, I'll pay you" I uttered while wiping away the sweat from my temple.

It's been 5 days since Chaeyoung offered me to live in her Studio-apartment.

"Hmm, don't worry about that, This studio-apartment was given to me, but I rarely use it, so it would be nice if someone takes care of it for me" She uttered smiling while she faces me.

"eh, But I'd be bothered if I don't pay for the electricity or some bills"

"nah, you can just cook me dinner, I heard from the Unnies that you're a good cook" Chaeyoung replied.

"Oh, if that's what you want, then sure, but I'll also pay for the groceries."
Oh my God, she's so kind.

She beamed a smile and nodded.
A long moment of silent, so I spoke again.

"so Are you coming home tonight?" I ask.

She turned her back at me and continued to put the box inside the room I'll be staying. "Nope, but I'll be back in the morning, to get clothes."


"um, I'll be staying at school to finish my project" She uttered.

"oh, okay".

The day passed by quickly, most of my things are already settled inside the room Chaeyoung offered me to stay in. I cooked dinner in her kitchen.
It's almost night when Chaeyoung was about to leave but I called her back.

"Hey. Have dinner with me first"

She looked at her wristwatch and looked hesitant, but then beamed a smile towards my direction "Hmm, sure".

We both ate in silence, when we finished she helped me wash the plates even though I told her it's fine, but she insisted.

It was already 7 when we're done, and so she bid farewell, she said she still needs to finish some projects in school.

I sat down on the sofa, while opening the TV, while sitting, I roamed my eyes around the living room, It was spacious.... And empty.

You can only see a sofa, coffee table, and a TV.
Dahyun said Chaeyoung rarely use this place, but it was well cleaned. I can't even trace a dust on the corners of the TV.

The place has 3 rooms, a bathroom, a living room and a kitchen across it.

Since moving my things took us a day, I haven't really scanned the whole place. I only went to my room, the living room and the kitchen.

I stood up from the sofa and turned off the TV. I decided to scanned the whole place.

I walked to the bathroom and saw that it was spacious, the tub and shower was a meter away from each other. The toilet was also place in a different division of the room. Which was also spacious.

The other side of the room was a laundry space, with a washing machine and a few empty baskets and drawers.

I roamed again and saw a door placed on the corner of the living room.

I twisted the doorknob and opened it only to be welcome by a wide veranda with a few clothes hanging on the corner, probably Chaeyoung's.

There's a bench and a small table placed on the center.

The veranda has some plants settled on the sides, I guess... She likes planting???.

I went inside after an hour spending time in the veranda watching the night view, I guess Dahyun didn't lie about the view.

I checked the time, it was almost midnight, And so I decided to take one more look on a room.

Standing in front of the room I never visited since, I twisted the knob.

I sighed.

Of course it's locked. It's Chaeyoung's room afterall.

I don't want to barge unannounced, Mina pabo.
I'll just take a quick bath and sleep.

After finishing a warm bath, I plop my body down the bed, playing some games till I felt my eyelids getting heavy and I drifted to dreamland.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. I sat up and went out of my room rubbing my eyes.

I saw Chaeyoung talking to someone on the phone, after nodding and saying yes a few times she ended the call.

She noticed my presence and beamed a smile. "Goodmorning"

I smiled in return. This feels surreal, I never knew seeing her face in the morning can be so calming. "Goodmorning, I'll just cook breakfast".

She sat down on the kitchen chair while she watch me cook our breakfast.

"Well this is nice" She uttered that made me look at her.

"what?" I fried some eggs and bacon I fetched from the fridge.

"Hmm, does anyone ever told you that you'd be a great wife?" she uttered nonchalantly while resting her chin on her palm.

She stood up before I could reply. She stood beside me and tiptoed to reach something from the cabinet.

"Well, I guess no one did" i answered her previous question. "And what made you think so?" I added.

She successfully grabbed the coffee jar, then grabbing two mugs from the cup board setting it down on the kitchen table.

"Well, seeing you right now in an apron, makes me want a wife, and oh do you want coffee?" She asks nonchalantly.

I never thought I'd be blushing with a younger woman's compliment.

I cleared my throat while I smiled and nodded at her.

"okay, with milk of nah?" She asks.

"With milk please" I set our breakfast on the plates and placed it in front of her.

"Here's your coffee" She placed a mug with coffee in front of me. I mouthed thank you while pulling the chair.

I sat across her. And took a sip from the coffee she made. "Oh, this is good" I smiled tasting the coffee she made.

"Eh? That's plain" She uttered while eating the breakfast I made.

"I don't usually drink hot coffee in the morning, so this is new and nice"

"me too, I don't eat bacon and egg in the morning, so this is new and nice" She beamed a smile.

At that moment, something in me twitched. This is new... And nice.

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