44: Goodbye.

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I ran through the halls of the hospital, I didn't even care if I haven't changed my clothes, I just hurriedly went to the hospital after Nayeon called.

"Patient  in room 29 is having cardiac arrest" I heard a nurse who was running on the hallways meters away from me, she was running with Dr. Hakazawa.

Patient , room 29 that's ... Her.

Just when I arrived I could see Jeongyeon was crying, while Nayeon was comforting her.

"Mina unnie!" I looked behind me seeing Dahyun and Tzuyu running.

I was about to go inside the room when the nurses stopped me. "Please, you are not allowed here, let us wait for the doctors, they're doing what they can."

I could see Chaeyoung's bed was surrounded by doctors and nurses chanting 'clear'

Machines were beeping too loudly, the scene was chaos, I don't even know whose voices I'm hearing anymore.

I stepped back as I watch her hand slowly falling from the bed frame.

It was chaos, painful...

I felt my knees getting weak.

My eyes are too tired as tears continue to fall, it felt like burning, it's exhausting, overwhelming.

The pain is like an acid running down my throat, it's getting hard to breathe.

My tears were just flowing out of my eyes as Dahyun and Tzuyu pulled me into a hug.

Hearing their cries was deafening, as the mix of smell of death plunged my nose.

The cold hallways of the hospital was shivering.


I'm not even halfway yet, I still have so much to give to her....

Memories of her flashed through my mind reminding me of how lost I will be if ever she left my side.

These moments I cherish...

How will I go on with life without her?

Just in minutes the others arrived too, Jihyo who quickly cupped Nayeon in her arms who's breaking too.

Sana and Momo hugged the three of us.

Jeongyeon was crying and calling out on Chaeyoung's name.

A good minutes pass as the nurses and doctors were slowly exiting the room.

Mr. Hakazawa were looking at me the whole time as he exit the room.

Face too gloomy.

No please....

I can't...

Please God , no.



















































"Patient's Time of death:  11:11 pm"

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