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I've been trying to contact Dahyun for the passed few days, but still no answers from her. 

I knew something really happened that night, but Sana wouldn't tell me anything. 

I'm started to get worried about Dahyun, and so I tried to asked some friends of her address. 

Which is now why I am here. 

I heave a breath as I pointed my hand to her doorbell. 

Here goes nothing. 

I pressed the button and waited for like eternity for her to arrive. 

I was about to leave when the door suddenly opened. 

"H-hey Dub-"

I was taken a back when an unfamiliar woman emerge from the door.

"uh sorry... Dahyun's still sleeping, but you can come in"

She stepped aside to open the door wider for me. 
I didn't think much and went inside. 

She told me to sit on the couch while she vanished to the kitchen, I was still thinking where did I saw that girl, she seems familiar. 

I had a minute to travel my eyes and realised there were tons of empty cans and bottles of beer scattered on the living room floor. 

Did they drink? 
Did they...? 

Oh my God. 

But before I jumped to conclusions, I saw Dahyun's figure going out of her room touching her head. 

"Dahyun"  I called out. 

She immediately looks at me with thin eyes. 

"U-Unnie, what are yo-... Ugh my head, Somi did you buy meds?!" She yelled as she sat down beside me. 

So Somi's the girl. 

"Don't drink again if you can't handle it" Somi who was returning from the kitchen, brought two cups of coffee with her. 

Dahyun looked at her and was about to take the cup from Somi's hand "Not yours, idiot" but Somi avoided her and placed the coffee in front of me. 

Okay... What the hell. 

I smiled thinly "T-thanks" 

Somi sat on the other sofa as she turn on the TV. 

Okay I'm getting impatient, I should ask her. 

"What happened to you Dahyun?" 

Dahyun looks at me still touching her head. 

"Devastated, what do you think?" She uttered with a hint of irritation. 

"She's been spouting that her best friend betrayed her or something last night, and she wouldn't stop gulpi-" 

"Shut up Somi, what are you even doing here?" 

"Well now Ms. Kim, you called me last night to accompany you, now you're asking me? Unbelievable" Somi rolled her eyes as she sips on her coffee. 

Okay now what do I do, I don't really know what's going on. 

"Ugh I don't care anymore" Dahyun hissed. 

"Welp, that's my cue, I thought Chaeyoung was the one who's coming, but I guess I got scammed by a broken hearted eagle" Somi uttered as she stood up from her seat. 

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