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"heyya Chaeyoungie, Minari!" Momo greets the two of them as the other girls went inside the apartment.

"Whoa, you're all here" Mina uttered 

"We're crashing here again!" Nayeon uttered.

"They said they're hella broke, that's why we'll be drinking here" Jihyo uttered as she puts her arms around Chaeyoung's shoulder.

Chaeyoung just laughed and said "Sure, let's have a barbecue party tonight"

They all were all smiles, yet Dahyun on the corner was about to shatter any minute. 

The girls set up the barbecue stand on the veranda, it's almost dark when they started. 

They settled the liqours down the floor where they all sat in circles. 

Cooking the barbecues, marshmallows... Just like how they used to. 

Chaeyoung smiled seeing all of this, when she met them, she never felt alone again. 

Seeing how Nayeon and Jihyo bickers, Sana flirting with a 'can't-handle-flirting Tzuyu, Momo who's undeniably whipped with Dahyun....

And lastly Chaeyoung, who's Foolishly inlove with a Myoui Mina. 

The both of them know, yet the three letters just don't sum up the whole feeling.. 

They'd just stare at each, feeling the warm feeling of their hearts, who's too afraid to utter affirmation, yet they show it through actions that the two of them only know. 

The hot coffee and delicious breakfast in the morning, 

The lame jokes and stuttering sentences, 

The silly trips or the dance in the kitchen with the refrigerator light;

It was paradise to them. 

The night went too fast, where almost everyone was full and tipsy. 

Dahyun who's been too afraid of lost, suddenly put her glass down too loudly making the chit-chats of the group stop. 

"Dahyun unnie, are you drunk?" Tzuyu asks gently getting the cup from Dahyun who's now just looking at it intently. 

"Tzu..." Dahyun uttered.

Tzuyu hums, and the others looked at the both of them. 

"remembered when Chaeyoung wore that tiger costume in our highschool?"  Dahyun asks. 

Tzuyu was confuse yet nodded. The others began teasing Chaeyoung about the tiger costume. 

Laughing too loud when Nayeon found it on their social media, showing it to the circle. 

But Mina was waiting on Dahyun who had an unreadable expression in her face. 

Dahyun was just there, sitting down, looking at the emptied cup in front of her. 

Her eyes looked to gloomy too empty and dark. 

"She's too precious, that I couldn't stop myself back then from making friends with her" 

They all went silent, as they listened to Dahyun. 

"too precious, it almost breaks my heart" Dahyun voice cracked as she gulp the urge to cry. 

Dahyun looked up trying to stop herself. 

"Tzuyu, are you listening?" Dahyun uttered still looking somewhere far. 

"What is it Dahyun-Unnie?" 

"I know ever since, I've been asking too much from you.... 

.... From unreasonable favors, to nonsense trips, I always drag you with me, and you also put up with it.

It was too silent. 
If hearts, were to be heard, it would be full of shattering sounds, as their hearts were feeling something was going on. 

" But, this request, I assure it would be my first favor to ask of you from the bottom of my heart... "

Dahyun finally looked at Tzuyu, as tears began to flow from her eyes. 


........ Help me convince Chaeyoung to take the therapy, she's ill. I know I can't convince her mysel-" 

"aish D-Dahyun Unnie, don't say that, come on we are here to celebr-" Chaeyoung tried to laugh it off and deny it but;

"Why is there something wrong Chae?" Jihyo asked .

"Ah no it's nothing, geez Dahyun you're drunk, let's not talk about it, we're here to celebrate rig-?"

"There's nothing to celebrate here when I'm slowly losing you!" 

Tzuyu took seconds to process what she heard. 

She immediately stood up from where she's seating and quickly went to Chaeyoung. 

Tzuyu grabbed Chaeyoung's shoulder "Y-you.. W-what?... W-what is Dahyun talking about?" 

Chaeyoung avoided her gaze biting on her lower lip. 

Dahyun went to the ground and kneeled her head down. 

"Please... Chae... I don't want to lose you" 

Tzuyu stood up and walked to the side of the veranda, while Chaeyoung was just there sitting holding back tears looking at her bestfriend looking so crumpled kneeling down to the ground head down.

Mina who heard what Dahyun had said, felt like her whole world crashed. 

She immediately cups Chaeyoung's face. 

"Chae... What.. Is Dahyun saying, huh? Tell us please, Tell me... Please..." Mina uttered weakly. 

The others were silent watching the scene as if it was a movie, too heartbreaking.

A long silence, till Chaeyoung gulps and uttered again.


"I'm... Terminally illed, got about 3 months to live"

Chaeyoung confessed looking up to them with a smile on her face.

Just then almost all of them felt a heavy thug on their chest pulling them to the ground.

It didn't took a minute when Tzuyu and Dahyun burst out in tears, the others were too as they carefully pull the two into a hug.

"No...this is not true, Chae please.... tell me it's not true" Mina uttered.

"Sorry" Chaeyoung said in a low voice as she tries her best not to tear up yet it failed when a single drop of tear slides down her cheek.


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