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Excitement, fear, and guilt has been eating Chaeyoung whole, as her feet lead her to a familiar place. 

"Chaeng" Mina softly called out to her holding her shoulder.

Chaeyoung looked at her not even hiding the fear in her face.

"It's fine, I'm here" Mina uttered softly as she stare into Chaeyoung's eyes.

It's the third time Mina had seen this vulnerable side of Chaeyoung. 

Chaeyoung breathe deeply as she shut her eyes close. 

Chaeyoung caressed her chest, she opened her eyes and finally pressed on the elevator. 

When the elevator arrived and opened, Chaeyoung already sees her Mom standing in the hallway. 

Chaeyoung followed by Mina went out of the elevator. 
As Chaeyoung went closer, her mom notice her presence and began to yell walking  towards her. 

Chaeyoung's knees began to tremble, She didn't expect her Mom to shout at her even with Mina, a complete stranger to her mom, around. 

"You bitch! I've been waiting here! , where were you!? , you useless piece of-" 

Chaeyoung closed her eyes as she saw her mom started to raise hands on her. She already expected a slap from her mom like she used to. 

But a minute passed but Chaeyoung did not feel any pain on her cheeks. 

" Stop it, Mrs. Son" Mina spoke in a calm stern manner. 

Chaeyoung slowly opened her eyes, only to see Mina's back in front of her. 

Mina covered Chaeyoung with her body, as she glares to the old lady. 

"W-who are you!? Why are you interru-" Mrs. Son's word were again cut off by Mina. 

"Stop hurting Chaeyoung just so you could satisfy yourself" Mina again still calmly glaring at the lady. 

Chaeyoung was frozen in her spot still could not believe what Mina was doing. 

"You-" Mrs. Son was about to hit Mina as well but was interrupted when the doctors came out of the room. 

Mrs. Son hastily put her hand down and composed herself. 

"Goodevening Mrs. Son" The doctors bowed as he faced the three. 

"How's my Daughter, doc?" Mrs. Son asks. 

The doctor beamed a calm smile "She's stable, after four years, she had finally regained consciousness, She's kind of still in a feeble state but her limbs are strong and had adjusted to her age...." The doctor paused and turned his sight to Chaeyoung who was still processing what the doctor had said. 

"That is thanks to Ms. Chaeyoung here, She's been taking care of Ms. Yoo's body, she had done physical and psychological stimulation.... Ms. Irene (the nurse) told me that you did it......." 

"Oh! And Ms. Yoo can talk already, how surprising is that? , it's good for her to start rehabilitation right away" The doctor couldn't hide his amazement on Chaeyoung. 

Chaeyoung has been doing all the work for four years, stretching every limbs on Jeongyeon's body for hours on end, she would research on how to keep a coma patient's body healthy, Chaeyoung would bring books or make Jeongyeon listen to her stories, she would sometimes bring Jeongyeon's guitar and sing for her with the songs they wrote together, she'd often stay all night trying to help her sister's state. 

Chaeyoung had done it all. 

Mrs. Son clearly never knew this, for she would just visit Jeongyeon depending on her schedule. She faced Chaeyoung with an unreadable expression. 

Chaeyoung just hung her head low still processing what the doctor had said. 

"You can go and see her inside now, I'm sure she'd be happy to talk. Well, if you may excuse me Ms. And Mrs. Son." The doctor beamed a smile as he bowed to the three lady and left. 

The three was left silent, Mrs. Son's expression was still unreadable. 

She hissed and walked out leaving Mina and Chaeyoung. 

After a couple of Minutes, Mina broke the silence. 

" Go to her Chae, I'll wait here" 

Chaeyoung looked at her with worry.

Chaeyoung bit her lower lip and walked towards the door. 
She turned around to see Mina again. 

Mina nodded at her with a comforting smile. 

Chaeyoung turned the door knob and pushing it open. 

Tears starting to form in her eyes as she sees Jeongyeon's figure leaning her back on the head board with a book in her hand. It was the book that Chaeyoung would read everynight, the book that Jeongyeon loved so much. 

Jeongyeon heard the door closed, she turned her gaze to the direction. She eyed Chaeyoung for a while, no expression was written on her face. 

Chaeyoung's head hung low as she cannot meet Jeongyeon's eyes. 

"Who are you?" 

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