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Mina was watching TV silently, she had waited for Chaeyoung so that they can have dinner together. 

Mina's smile grew when she heard the front door clicked, but then her smile turned into a frown seeing Chaeyoung with a busted lips.

"Hey, What happened?" Mina hurriedly walked towards Chaeyoung cupping her face with worry.

Chaeyoung hung her head low avoiding Mina's gaze.

She gently tap Mina's hand pulling it away. 

"I'm fine... I'll just rest Unnie, Goodnight" Chaeyoung uttered with a bitter smile then proceeds to walk inside her room not taking a glance at Mina who was left standing by the hall.

Mina sighs as she can't do anything to help. 

"Unnie, Can you tilt your head a bit?" Chaeyoung asks while she signals her pallet knife towards Mina.

They're doing Chaeyoung's project again. 

"Like this?" Mina tilted her head a bit matching Chaeyoung's instructions.

Chaeyoung nodded then let out a fake cough. 
She continued to shape her work while Mina continued to become her model. 

They've been doing it for days, Chaeyoung's deadline is almost at its peak. 

Her work is almost done. 

Chaeyoung breathe out as she was done with some finishing touches. 

It was already afternoon, and so she stood up and stretched her whole body, cracking every parts she can, when she twisted her body, that's when she noticed Mina had already fallen asleep in the same position with the same white cloth still wrapped around her body. 

Chaeyoung smiled and walked towards the girl on the couch, Chaeyoung kneeled down to Mina's level and covered her body with a blanket. 

Chaeyoung couldn't help but stare at the girl, even asleep, Mina lets out elegance, she thought. 

She stood up and made her way to the kitchen, she decided that she will cook dinner tonight. 

Mina woke up and noticed a blanket was placed on the top of her body. She was still in the same position as before, still with the cloth. 

She sat up slowly feeling sore everywhere

I guess this is how tiring can a model be. She thought. 

She quickly dressed up and went out of Chaeyoung's room. Then she noticed that Chaeyoung was in the kitchen wearing a tiger patterned apron while placing some dishes on the table. Mina can't help but find this sight adorable. 

"Whoa, this is new" She uttered while leaning on the kitchen counter. 

"Oh you're finally awake, come let's eat" Chaeyoung uttered as she put some plates on the table. 

Chaeyoung removed her apron and sat across Mina. 

Mina sat down and picked up her chopsticks. 

"Hmm, let's see..." she then eyed every dish then chose the one that caught her attention. 

Chaeyoung eyed on Mina as she put the food in her mouth, She was waiting for the girl's reaction. 

Mina fell silent, while Chaeyoung eyed her worriedly. 

"Um... Does it taste... Bad?" Chaeyoung said in a almost pouty manner. 

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