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It's been three days, Chaeyoung's back to being not-going-home mode.

I sighed while trying to understand what our Prof was teaching us. 

Jihyo nudges my side "You fine?" she mouthed.

I just nodded and shift my sight towards the window watching the birds fly around. 

Our class ended, I recieved a text from my dad.

He wanted me to visit the hospital our family owned here in Korea. He has a business trip in other country, and so he want me to check our hospital's current condition. 

I blackmailed him of not checking the hospital if he won't double my allowance, which I successfully did. He sent the money right away. 

I jumped in high spirits as I hail a cab to drive to where my dad's hospital was. 

After sorting some documents, I checked everything, including the shares and rates of the hospital. It was all in good shape, and so I texted my dad about it, which he replied with a funny sticker which I knew my brother taught him about. 

I chuckled seeing an old penguin sticker that really looked like my dad holding a thumbs up. 

I went out of the office bidding farewell to the secretary. 

But before going home, I decided to roam around the place. 

Till I reached the highest floor where the VIP rooms were place. This place was renovated a year ago, it really changed not like how I saw it before. 

I was busy looking through the halls when I suddenly heard a smack sound. 

I slip my head to see what it was, And there I saw another slap. 

A woman in her late 40's was slapping the girl with a familiar back over and over again before leaving. 

When the woman left, the girl hissed in pain holding her cheek, she turned around smiling bitterly still holding her swollen cheek and that's when I held back my breath.

I tried to hide behind the vending machine near the restroom, but luck was not on my side. 



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