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"Unnie, drink these vitamins first" Chaeyoung held out various colors of vitamins capsules in her hand to give to Jeongyeon.

"Thanks" Jeongyeon uttered as she takes the vitamins and drank it with the water Chaeyoung gave.

"You'll be out tomorrow morning" Chaeyoung uttered as she flashed a smile.

"Yeah, Can't wait, oh wait I'll go to the bathroom first" Jeongyeon jump out of bed and walked towards the bathroom.

Chaeyoung turned her back to fix the medicines that was inside the bag when she heard a loud thud. 


Jeongyeon had passed out on her way to the bathroom. 
Chaeyoung went on panic and called for the doctor

Doctors came rushing in to check on Jeongyeon. 

Almost half an hour passed Jeongyeon was still unconscious.

The doctors had left after making sure the patient was stable. 

They said the cause was still unknown, and will just wait for the patient's statement after. 

Chaeyoung sat on the bench outside the room, when Mrs. Son suddenly arrived. 

Chaeyoung immediately stood up "Mo-" but only met with a loud slap.

"You never learn don't you!? I told you to take care of your sister, now what happened!?" Mrs. Son's voice echoed around the hall as she continued to slap Chaeyoung's face.

"If you weren't just stupid enough" as she continues to slap Chaeyoung, the girl's lips were again busted open making a ton of blood flow from the side of her mouth.

When Mrs. Son was done, she instantly left Chaeyoung and went inside to check on Jeongyeon.

Chaeyoung felt dizzy, and hurriedly left the floor, but on her way to their apartment, she met Mina. 

"Oh Chaey- what happened!?" Mina hurriedly ran towards Chaeyoung. 

But by the time she cups Chaeyoung's face, the latter immediately fainted. 

Mina panicked as she tried to hold on to Chaeyoung's body. 

Chaeyoung felt weak to her bones and fainted. 

Chaeyoung sat up inside a familiar bed, she touch her head feeling a bit dizzy. She's in Mina's room, she was surrounded by different sizes on penguin plushies. 

She remembered what happened earlier, she smiled bitterly. "so I fainted again" chuckled bitterly. 

Just then the door opened. 

"Hey, are you feeling fine?" Mina asked with a worried face carrying first aid kit with her. 

"Yeah just anemic ..... What's that for?" Chaeyoung asks as she watched Mina sat on the bed. 

"Your lips..." Mina picked up a cotton and put some ointment on it. 

Chaeyoung touched her lips, the bleeding stopped, but the wound is there. 
She smiled at Mina. 

"It's fine, Mina Unnie, you don't have to do this" Chaeyoung uttered trying to close the first aid kit, but Mina quickly grab her wrist to stop her from moving. 

"Just let me do this." 

Chaeyoung felt weak hearing Mina's tone, she let Mina do what she wants but hissed whenever the cotton touch her wound. 

"don't act tough when you're clearly in pain, kiddo" Mina teased.

"I'm not a kid" 

"oh yeah? Then how bout this" Chaeyoung almost let out a cry when Mina harshly dabbed the cotton on her lips. 

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