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"Can you please  stop following me ?" Tzuyu uttered as she turned around.

Sana just stared at her, Tzuyu scoffed and went back to walking till she reached the end of the sidewalk.

She turned around again to face Sana. "You really don't know how to give up do you?"

"I should be asking you that Tzuyu, you don't really know when to give up do you?" Sana replied in a cold tone.

Tzuyu just scoffed rolling her eyes. "I don't care"
She walked away from Sana. 

But as persistent the girl is, she still followed Tzuyu. 

"I swear-"  Tzuyu turned around irritated. "I-" She huffs and turned her gaze to Sana. 

"Just let me love you Tzuyu" Sana uttered with a serious tone. 

Tzuyu was about to reply when Sana spoke again in a serious manner. 

"I can treat you better than her" 
"I can be a better girlfriend than her"  Sana and Tzuyu stared at each other. 

Tzuyu couldn't believe what's she's hearing. Sana being clumsy and playful was the common tea, but Tzuyu seeing this side of Sana right now was something she never expected. 

"Unnie..... Dahyun likes you, just go t-" Tzuyu's word were cut again

"Why do you keep pushing me to her when you're the one that I like Tzuyu!" Sana finally burst out. 

Tears were escaping in her eyes. 

"You know I want you, and It's not a fucking secret I try to hide" Sana huffs clenching her fist as she avoid Tzuyu's gaze. 

Tzuyu could only watch Sana with pity. 

"Unnie... Just leave me alone tonight" 

"fine"  Tzuyu shot her gaze to Sana, she thought Sana would finally give up. But before she could speak, Sana spoke again

"I'll leave you alone tonight, but I'll win you someday , I'll pursue you until you forget about Chaeyoung, and you will look at me." Sana uttered sternly. 

Tzuyu shot her eyes close as she heaved a deep breath.

She was about to breath out but felt a sudden blockage in her mouth. 

She quickly opened her eyes only to see Sana was already kissing her. 

Before she could react, Sana had already broke the kiss. 

"Goodnight, see you tomorrow" Sana whispered with a mischievous smirk. 

Sana quickly left to hail a cab. Tzuyu was frozen in her place touching her own lips. 

A couple of minutes passed with Tzuyu still in the same position ; Frozen, eyes wide open, with her fingers still touching her lips. 

"W-what... The fuck" She mumbled as she quickly covered her face with her hands. "My first kiss" She whined feeling scammed by Sana. 

Somewhere around the spot, a figure saw it all. 


Nayeon and Jihyo was busy doing rehearsals inside the music room when the door burst open making a loud echo inside the music room. 

The two flinch as they shot their eyes towards the door revealing a flustered Dahyun. 

Face red fuming in anger. 

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