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I opened the door to Jeongyeon's room. 

I saw Mom seating on the couch near the bed. 
I placed my jacket on the table feeling her gaze. 

"What took you so long?" mom looked at me with those eyes again. 

"I did some project at school" I answered not looking to her. 

"Come here" Ah here we go again. 

She's always like this when she's about to abuse me. 

i sighed loudly. 

"I said, Come here" Mom uttered loudly as she stood up from her seat. She looks drunk. 

I obliged, what can I do?. 

The second I walked towards her direction, I was already met by a slap. 

"You useless bitch, what can your projects do if your sister almost died because of you" Mom was calm. 

She's the scariest when calm. 

Again with another slap "Stupid" And again "Stupid"  and again. 

I can taste blood. 

I feel like my teeth will come off any second now. 



I smiled like a fool tasting my own blood inside my mouth. 

Mom glared at me then kicked me on my stomach making me stumble down the floor, before walking out. 

I guess she's done. 

I just sat there, I spit on my hand, a tooth flew out with a lot of blood. 

I chuckled upon seeing it. 

"Heck, you're the third time already, never thought I'll be losing you also, now I can't eat ice-cream"  I mumbled under my breath. 

I stood up throwing the tooth to the trashcan. 
I went to the restroom to gargle my mouth. Expected, it hurts. 

I washed my faced to cool down my swollen cheeks. 
When I went out, the nurse had already entered inside to check on Jeongyeon Unnie. 

"Oh hi, Good evening." Shee greets. 

"Goodevening, How is she?" I asked. 

"she's stable, I already changed her dextrose, it will be change the day after tomorrow, so you don't have to check on her, I'll keep an eye on her" The nurse explained. 

I smiled at her "Thanks" 

"I'll go now, Goodnight" The nurse left the room. 

I guess I'll go home tonight. 

To be honest, I don't really have to keep an eye on Jeongyeon Unnie for hours on end. 

But Mom is probably punishing me, and I gladly took it. 

I guess seeing Jeongyeon Unnie like this.... 

"your sister almost died because of you"

Mom's voice replayed inside my head like a broken cassette.

I clenched my fist.

What can I do?

I went home. 

The second I opened the door carefully not to make a sound, I was met by a nice aroma coming from the kitchen. 

I'm probably smiling like a fool thinking Mina Unnie's in my kitchen cooking dinner.

I texted her before that I won't be home, I guess I'm surprising her again. 

I walked tiptoeing my way to the kitchen putting my bag carefully on the couch. 

And I was right, Mina is really cooking dinner, wearing my tiger printed apron. 

She's so busy cooking and did not notice my presence. Her phone was blasting music which she sings along with, She would sway her body side by side dancing to the tone. 

I can't help but let out a chuckle. 

Which she did hear. 

She quickly turned around still holding a spatula.

"C-chaeyoung, how long have you been there?" She looked embarrassed as she fumble on her phone trying to turn off the music. 

I smiled at her. Funny How this can console me. 

Another reason for me to continue existing. 

"Oh my God, What happened Chaeyoung?" I heard her say.


Oh, I'm crying. 

I tap on my face, tears are flowing. 

Mina hurriedly turned off the stove then ran towards me. 
She swiftly cup me in her arms hugging me tightly. I buried my face to the crook of her shoulder. 

"What happened Chae?" she asks softly tapping my back with her hand. 

"Just tired" I mumbled. 

This is the second time I showed tears to someone. 

Mina gave me a comfortable silence as she continued to hug me tightly. 

She only stopped when I finally pulled away. 

"Let's eat?" I uttered. 

She looks at me for a sec then also beamed a warm smile. 
"Yeah, let's eat"

She went back to the stove to put the dish on the table. 
I look at her back as she continued to make dinner. 

I sat down on the chair as I watch her. 

No confrontation, no forcing of words, no unnecessary questions. 

I really find comfort in her, even before. 

"you feel like home" 

Oh... My thoughts spilled. 

I thought Mina would be react of what I said. But instead she flashed another smile as she twist her body around to look at me. 

"welcome Home, Chaeyoung" 

I'm falling deeper. 

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