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"So where we going to do it?" I asks when Chaeyoung and I entered the apartment.

"My room" She fished out another key from her pocket. Now this is going to be the first time I'll be entering her room.

She opened the door to her room and I was met by dark colors of paint on the wall, she had no bed in her room, only a couch that sits in the corner of the room, the room was surrounded by small tables with buckets of paints, paint brushes and artists' knife.

Tons of canvas was piled up in a shelf, an unfinished painting was placed in the middle. 

"Is this what you are working on?" I asked upon seeing the canvas that was unrecognisable.

"Hmm? Ah yes" She uttered scratching her nape. 

"So How will we start ChaengCasso?" I teased her with the nickname. 

She laughed at my statement but led me to sit on the couch. 

"Sit here" 

"Chaeyoung, is this were you sleep?" I asked while taking my seat. 

"Um yeah... I'm sure you noticed I didn't placed any bed, because I don't really sleep here" She uttered taking pallet knives and a few brushes from a shelf. 

I nodded at her statement. She walked to her closet and grabbed a white sheet of cloth. 

She turned to my direction and handed the cloth. I gave her a look of confusion. "What's this for?" 

"Strip" she uttered nonchalantly. 

My eyes widen. "W-what?" 

"I mean, Strip, then wrap this around your body" She uttered while gently pushing the cloth to me. 

I eyed the cloth for a while. 

"Uh... I'll just leave for a while for you to change, Just put your clothes here" she uttered scratching her nape while pointing on a basket near the closet. 


Chaeyoung left, and I began to strip my clothes and wrap the white cloth around my body like wearing a piece of towel. 

"D-done!" I signaled her to come in. 

Chaeyoung entered the room and a laugh escaped her mouth. 

"Unnie, you look like you're about to take a bath" 

"Well I don't know how to do this" I felt hint of heat swarming across my face. 

"okay" she stepped closer and searched for the end of the cloth. My body jolts up everytime her skin would touch mine. 

"Relax" She uttered huskily. "I'm not going to bite" she smirked. 

Chaeyoung wrapped the cloth around me the way she wanted. "Sit Unnie" and so I obliged. 

"Cross your legs" she wrapped the cloth again.

"put your arms here" 

"lean down a bit." 

I won't lie, Chaeyoung in this professionalism makes her... So attractive. 

Her gaze were focused on the way the cloth wrap my body, even as inexperienced as me could tell that Chaeyoung was really doing a great job. 

But to my head, I can't help but gulp whenever she's close. 

"Done" She smiled after a while of arranging. 

When she stepped away, That was the only time I realised that I breathe. 

Now the cloth was only wrapping around my chest and around my lower abdomen covering my precious parts. 
Cross legs and leaning slightly on the hand rest of the couch. 

"Okay, we'll start, just chill there for an hour" She uttered sitting in front of the molded clay ready to be turned into a piece of art. 

Chaeyoung started to work while I stayed in my position, I watch her work with the painting. 

Her concentration was too good to see, I can't help but admire her. 

But every stares she look at my body, every gaze that somewhat Trace my soul, bring a twitching feeling inside of me. 

An hour passed and Chaeyoung decided to take a break, I only snapped when she clapped her hands. 

"O-oh you're done?" I uttered ready to sat up straight while holding the cloth tightly on my chest carefully not to reveal my parts. 

Wrong move, My body cramped "Ow!" 

"Slowly, just move slowly" she hurriedly rushed to me and kneeled caressing my legs that had been numb for being crossed for an hour straight. 

I winced in pain but then again was mesmerised seeing her kneeling in front of me while massaging my legs. 

Oh my God. 

"does this feel good?" She asks. 

I could only nod biting my lower lip. 

"seems like it" she smiled as she continue to massage my legs. 

"I'll prepare dinner, what do you want to eat?"  I asked as I wrap the apron. 

"um anything" she uttered while putting her jacket and bag on the couch. 

"You're leaving?" I asked while pulling some ingredients from the fridge. 

"Yeah, to Unnie, I'll be staying with her tonight, again" She uttered leaning on the kitchen wall. 

I just nodded and started to sliced the ingredients. 
I was a bit surprised when Chaeyoung took a kitchen chair and sat across me. She leaned her arm to the table and placed her chin on her palm watching my every move. 

I can't help but let out a small laugh watching this gesture of hers. 

"You look like a kid watching her mom cook Chaeng" I uttered keeping my eyes down on what I am doing. 

"well you're like a nice mom to look at" She joked. 

I looked at her "Do I look that old?" 

She shook her head "No Unnie, What I mean is that, you'd make a wise mother, I can't help but stare at you" 


I just smiled and shook my head before turning around to open the stove. But I stopped when I remembered something. I remembered the time Chaeyoung's mom slapped her. 

I had this urge to ask her, but a part of me was scared that this might push Chaeyoung away. 

Third person pov

On the other hand, Chaeyoung can't help but feel sad. 
Her mom used to be that sweet and caring towards her. But guess that's not the same anymore. 

After their dinner, Chaeyoung bid Mina goodbye. 

"I found a model for my art and for my.... loneliness" Chaeyoung mumbled then chuckled after entering her car. 

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