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After taking a bath I saw Chaeyoung on the phone again talking to someone. 

She sighed loudly. 

She turned around and saw me just standing on the bathroom door. 

"You okay?" I asked. 

She smiled " I'm... Yeah I'm fine, just some problems" she walked towards my direction. 

I stepped aside to give her access to the bathroom, she took her toothbrush and toothpaste facing the mirror in the sink. 

"Oh by the way" I started. 

She hummed and watch my reflection referring me to continue. 

"A girl went here a few days ago, it was midnight when she came, she was looking for you, I was about to ask her name, but she suddenly walked out when she heard you're not home" 

She turned around showing a confused look. "May I ask if you remembered what she look like?" 

"Um, well she's tall... Uh she looked like a foreigner, she's blonde, she's pretty too..." I just explained remembering the girls features.

She faced the sink again and started to brush her teeth. She spat and gurgled some water. After a while She faced me again. 

"It's Somi, That guy's girlfriend.... Or ex-girlfriend" She uttered wiping her face with a towel. 

"That guy?" 

"Hmm, the one who called me a bitch" She nonchalantly uttered as she walked past me and headed towards the kitchen to get a glass of water. 

I followed her. 

"Somi... Was my girlfriend, but now we're just friends since we ended our relationship in good terms. " 

I nodded. 

"Not fan of Gays?" she asked. 

"please remember that Sana is my friend Chaeyoung, and she's the gayest. And I've seen her flirt with girls, Gays like her and you are not new to me." 

She chuckled hearing my response. 

"okay" and so she continued. 
"Well one night she called me over her house, she rant to me all night about her boyfriend being toxic, she was so wasted that night, and I just accompanied her." 

"Then why was the boyfriend so mad at you?" i asked. 

"Well apparently, someone saw me going out of Somi's house, and he was kind of the possessive type, well who wouldn't take it against me, Somi broke up with him that day and he thought I ruined them." she chuckled and drank her water. 

"so what happened that night?" I was referring to that night at the tent. 

"Hmm? Ah, I just went somewhere after that, Tzuyu knew about it, We saw each other in the parking lot, she was worried and pretended to call the cops that's when the guy scram." She chuckled again. "Tzuyu's scary" she added. 

"I agree on that" I chuckled. 

"Well that clears everything that night right? Got more questions?" She asked. 

I just shook my head and smiled "Thanks for sharing." 

"thanks for listening" she beamed a dimpled smile. "So let's go to school together?" She added. 

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