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Chaeyoung looked around to see the owner of the voice.

She was surprised to see the girl approaching her. This went unnoticed by the others, and is now eyeing the two of them back and forth. 

Mina on the other felt uncomfortable seeing the girl, which she doesn't know why. 

"Somi..." Chaeyoung uttered.

"Can... I talk to Chaeyoung for a bit? I promise I'll give her back" Somi uttered looking at the girls.

"If you may excuse me" Chaeyoung did not wait for the girls and walking passed Somi.

Somi bowed to the girls before following Chaeyoung.

After the two disappeared from their gaze, Dahyun and Tzuyu's mood started to get foul.

"When will Chaeng cut her off" Dahyun mumbled.

"Shut up Dahyun, not now" Tzuyu uttered. "How bout let's just go inside and eat." and smiled to the girls. 

They were outside the cafe when Somi called Chaeyoung. 
Sana was looking at Tzuyu worriedly but then obliged with the others to enter inside. 

They ordered coffees and cakes. 
Since the two maknaes were dead silent, the Unnies opened some topics to hype up the place. 

Mina was still left thinking about what could be the two talking about, she shook off the thoughts thinking it was none of her business. But curiosity killed the cat. 

Mina pretended to recieve a call to excuse herself, her friends believed her and so she took the chance to go and follow where Chaeyoung and Somi was. 

"Chae... Please just come back to me" those words was what welcomed Mina. 

She quickly hid behind the wall of the parking lot, she could see Chaeyoung and Somi facing each other. 

Chaeyoung's eyes were staring coldly at Somi. 

"Nope." Chaeyoung nonchalantly said. Which made Somi chuckled with a hint of irritation. 

"What the- Come on Chaeng, I know we can work this out, Just come back to me, I'll handle the rest" Somi clearly burst out. 

"I'm not worthy" Chaeyoung uttered still staring at Somi coldly. 

Somi was about to say another word but Chaeyoung pulled out an earphone from her pocket and put it in both of her ears.

Somi scoffed then left. 

Chaeyoung left a chuckle "Silly girl, it's not even on" 

Mina on the other hand was still hiding behind the wall. "Silly girl, your shadows deceiving you" she heard Chaeyoung uttered loudly. 

Mina shut her eyes because of embarrassment but slowly faced Chaeyoung with an awkward smile. 


"Oh, Deja vu" Chaeyoung uttered in a joke manner. 

Mina could only slide a strand of hair behind her ear. 

"Let's ditch" 

Mina shut her eyes on Chaeyoung who's now smiling at her while putting her earphones back to her pocket. 


"Let's go somewhere, let's just text them later after we leave" Chaeyoung uttered and pulled Mina's wrist and walked towards her car. Mina just let the younger girl drag her. 

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