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Everything written here about any disease is purely fiction, anything I write is just for the plot of the story.


"Come on, let's eat" Mina uttered as soon as she sees Chaeyoung entering the house.

Chaeyoung walked towards the kitchen only to see the table full of greens.


Mina cooked different kinds of vegetable, even the drinks are too greeny.

Chaeyoung just eyed this all while Mina turned around carrying another pan of cooked vegetable.

"what are you doing, sit down" Mina uttered excitedly.

Chaeyoung slowly sat down still eyeing the table full of the things Mina probably cooked.

"Uh... Do I have to finish this all?" Chaeyoung scratch the side of her head.

Mina nodded.

"yes, Oh eat this first, this is healthy" Mina put some steamed broccoli to Chaeyoung's plate.

Chaeyoung could only watch Mina in awe.

Chaeyoung just ate in silence, eating everything till there was nothing left.

Mina smiled watching Chaeyoung eat as she also eat her food.

In the middle of their dinner Mina spoke

"We're going to the hospital tomorrow"

Chaeyoung dropped her spoon on her plate and stare at Mina.


"I don't take no for an answer, we're going" Mina uttered not removing her eyes on her food.

Chaeyoung closes her eyes and just smiled.

"If you were my girlfriend , maybe I'm still healty till now, look at all of this" Chaeyoung uttered as she points on the food they're eating and laughed.

Mina looked at her "Date me then"

"Su- .... What?"

"I'll keep you healthy" Mina uttered in a serious manner.

 Chaeyoung just smiled and shook her head.

"This is delicious , Unnie" 

"Then finish it all" 

Chaeyoung smiled and nodded.


Mina's POV.

We went to the hospital to run a check up on Chaeyoung.

I could see the fear in her eyes everytime the doctor utters every word.

I held her hand under the table, and she gripped it tightly.

Apparently, she needs to be admitted.

We walked down the halls of the hospital till we reached the exit, Chaeyoung was silent the whole time, I let her.

we arrived at the parking lot, she's following behind me.


I turned around to see her.

"Can we not just ..." 

Before she could even finish her sentence, I know what she meant.

"No Chae, all you need is just take the medications and be admi-"

"please I don't want to"

"Chaeyoung ,please just be strong okay? You can do this"

she snapped.

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