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"Where's Tzuyu and Dahyun?" Chaeyoung asks as she sees the girls except for Tzuyu who are busy eating lunch.

Tzuyu was again ignoring Sana after what happened that day. 

"I saw Tzuyu entered the library earlier" Momo answered. 

Jihyo and Nayeon could only eye Chaeyoung. 

Mina and Sana replied that they didn't see Dahyun and how she never showed up since this morning. 

"Unnie, do you know something?" Chaeyoung asked being confused by the stare Nayeon and Jihyo gave. 

Nayeon sighs "Okay, We saw something the other night..." 

"hey we thought we're not gonna tell that to them" Jihyo protested. 

"What? They deserve to know, she's our friend afterall" Nayeon defended. 

"But it's not our story to tell" 

"Unnie, Come on just tell me, Maybe I can help" Chaeyoung uttered as she sat across the two. 

Jihyo thinks about it and gave up, she sighs. 
Jihyo told the circle about what happened that night when Dahyun went berseked and ripped all of the papers inside the small section of the room. 

"And in the morning, we found out Dahyun had ripped all the papers to pieces, I believe it was the songs she wrote" Jihyo concluding her story. 
She gained frown and gasp from the girls. 

"Can you still stick the pages together?" Sana asks

"Nope, it was beyond fixable" Nayeon answered 

"I'll try calling her" Chaeyoung uttered as she pulled her phone from her pocket. 

The girls just looked at her waiting. 

Chaeyoung sighs, "Her phone's off" 

"What happened to her?" Nayeon asks. 

The others just shrugged. 

"But we got another problem" Jihyo uttered again massaging her temple. 

"What?" Mina asks. 

"We lost our composer, we can't just present one song for the event" 

"why? How about Chan?" Sana asks. 

"yeah we also asks him, but he said he's okay with the drums" Nayeon answered. 

They all went silent thinking of what Could be a solution to all of this. 

"Chaeyoung" Mina answered shortly. 

The girls automatically looked at her. 

"Chaeyoung can write songs!" Mina exclaimed happily. 

"Chaeyoung?" Jihyo asks. 

"Yeah! I actually heard her sang a song she wrote!" Mina replied. 

Chaeyoung who was listening felt embarrassed, she couldn't believe Mina heard her sing that.  Chaeyoung could only hide her face with her hands. 

Mina seeing this could only make her smile. 

" Chaeng~" Nayeon tried to get glose to Chaeyoung. 

"Chaeyoung~" Jihyo also did earning cringed faces from the girls. 

"I-I don't think I ca-" 

"You can Chaeyoung" Mina uttered beaming a sincere smile to Chaeyoung who's beet red at this point. 

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