38: Another Satzu Slice:3

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"Hey Good morning Tzuyu ah~"

I was waiting in front of her apartment, it's Saturday, and I wanna invite her... Okay I admit, More like kidnapping her for a date.

She opened the door, I can see that she just woke up, wrinkled shirt, messy hair, puffy eyes.

But she's... Hawt. Oh my God, I'm so gay.

"What the..." She uttered upon seeing me then proceeds to look at the wall clock inside "It's freaking 7 am what are you doing here?"

"You won't even greet me? Or even let me inside?"

It's freaking cold.
And this girl here is cold.

"Okay Goodmorning Sana Unnie, And No, we don't know what you might do to me again" She uttered.

"Oh come on Tzuyu, I'm just trying to invite you to a date, why are you giving me cold shoulders?"

"Unnie...." she closed her eyes and huffs, that's when I took the chance.

I crashed our lips together into a smack.

"Hmmm~ you already had your coffee?" I nonchalantly asks.

I could see Tzuyu's panicked expression...
She's so cute.

"You... I hate you!" She almost closed the door but then I slipped in a flash.

"Whoa, You're place is nice and cozy." I uttered travelling my eyes around her place.

I turned around and see Tzuyu covering her face still leaning on the closed door.

I giggled upon seeing her removing her hands and glaring at me. She's beet red probably because I kissed her.

" Leave".

"Nope" I playfully tiptoed my way to the living room.

I heard her sigh from behind me.

Tzuyu's POV.

Why is she doing here?

She's cute... Wait No! We must stay focus!

"Unnie...." I closed my eyes and huffs. That's when I felt a sudden warm feeling on my lips, I quickly opened my eyes, that's when I realised Sana...

Kissed me....


"You... I hate you!"

I almost successfully shut her out but she slipped so fast, and now she's inside...

What the hell, is that even a skill?!

" Leave". 'don't leave'

"Nope" she playfully tiptoed her way to the living room.

She's too cute, help.

I mentally slap myself, What the fuck are you thinking!?.

In serious panic, I, Chou Tzuyu, will die.

I just sighed and went to my room, I can't really deal with her, she's too much for me.

I plop my body on the bed, I'm still sleepy.

"Oh~ even your room looks nice"

I quickly looked at the door.

"What the, What are you doing here?"

"Why? I'm already inside, you can't do anything about it"

"Whatever" I hid inside my comforter.

I heard her sigh.

"Do you really hate me that much?"

I quickly went out "Wait, N-no, I mean yeah I hate you- No like you know I just..."

Why am I stuttering?

Just then I realised the ridiculous grin on Sana's face.

Here we go again.

"So do you love me?"

Yes Sana.


"aish, this kid" She stepped closer and jumped on the bed.

"go away" I hide again inside the comforter.

That's when I felt a heavy feeling on my stomach, Heck she's sitting on me.

Oh please no.

"ugh, please get of-"

I shook my body to get her off me... But I earned a moan. "Ah~, No don't move too much..."

I felt like my sanity was thrown behind my head.

What I know is I'm already claiming her lips,
As if I'm familiar with it.

Oh.. She's responding to it, she holding my cheeks.

It's warm...

I'm melting....

So this is how a real kiss feels like?.

It feels good.



She's pulling out.

"Oh, that's sweet"

Now that I look at our position, she's straddling on me.

"Ah I-I'm sor- Hmmp!"

Sana claimed my lips.

I don't what happened to me...


Lifting my shirt, but I'm letting her...

I slightly pushed her.

Looking down "Um... Not now, Unnie..."

I heard her chuckle. "Let's go have breakfast outside?"

She got off of me and stepped out of the room.

When the door closes, I picked up a pillow, covered my face harshly and shouted on the top of my lungs.

Ey that's a fluff right there.

But I just wanna say sorry for the next chapter in advance :/

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