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Chaeyoung's POV. 

I walked inside Unnie's room.

Funny how I see her everyday, but today, this might be the heaviest feeling of see her again. 

Just as I entered inside, my tears couldn't stop themselves upon seeing her again. 


She was reading the book she loved. 

I remained standing there as I can no longer find the strength to walk towards her. 

I felt like bucket full of ice was splashed through me when she turned her gaze to my direction. 

"Who are you?"  her question was covered with coldness. 

My knees gave up, they have soften upon hearing her hoarse voice. 

I crashed my knees to the floor, my tears flowed like a river. 

"Oh my God Chaeyoung are you okay?!" I heard a yell. 


I quickly looked up and see her frightened expression. 

"Wahh I'm sorry, It's just a joke, oh my God, Can you stand?" Jeongyeon had an apologetic expression written on her face, she seemed like trying to stand up.

Did I just got pranked by a four year comatosed patient who just woke up? 

I quickly wiped off my tears and stood up. "I'm leaving" I uttered turning my back on her. 

"Whoa whoa wait! I was just joking bro, come here please?" I hear her pleading. 

I couldn't help but smile, she's still the Unnie four years ago. 

I slowly turned around, I quickly saw her pouting. "Come her baby Chaeng Chaeng" 

I pouted back still with tears on my eyes. 

"Please?" She mouthed. 

I slowly walked towards her, when I was near she opened her arms for me. 

I've been waiting for four years Unnie. 

I quickly dived into her arms and cried the shit out of me. 

"You grew up beautiful Chaeng" She mumbled kissing my head as she tap my back gently. 

"I-I'm happy you're finally awake Unnie" I uttered still burying my face on her shoulder.

"I'm happy seeing you too, again" 

We probably stayed in that position for more than an hour already just talking and catching up with what we've missed. Mostly I was the only one talking, I've been telling her the stories I already told her when she was still in her deep slumber. 

" Oh shit, I forgot, Wait here Unnie" I quickly got up as I remembered Mina was still waiting outside. 

When I went outside, I saw Mina was already asleep sitting on the bench. 

She's have been waiting for an hour. 

I smiled and went to her side as I tap her face gently. 

"Mina Unnie" I called out. 

She flicker her eyes slowly and tried to sit up straight. 
"Chaeyoung? What time is it?" She asked. 

"it's past midnight, sorry to keep you waiting" 

"Hmm, It's fine, Did the two of you talk?" 


"That's good" 

"Mina Unnie, Can I introduce you to her again?" 

Mina Unnie beamed a smile and stood up as she fix herself. 


I stood up as well and walked back to Unnie's room with Mina following me behind. 

The both of us entered the room. 

Jeongyeon eyed us as we got near her bed. 

"Jeongyeon Unnie, This is Mina Unnie, Mina Unnie, this is my Sister, Jeongyeon." 

Third person view. 

"Jeongyeon Unnie, This is Mina Unnie, Mina Unnie, this is my Sister, Jeongyeon."  Chaeyoung introduced the two to each other. 

Mina beamed a smile to Jeongyeon. "Nice to Meet you, Jeongyeon Unnie" 

In that second Jeongyeon was left mesmerised by Mina's beauty, she was a minute late of introducing herself back to Mina. 

" I-... Um nice to meet you too Mina-ya" 

Chaeyoung noticed how her sister looked at Mina, But shrugged off the feeling as she was happy to see Jeongyeon in that state. 

"You'll start your rehab tomorrow Unnie, the doctor said it's good for you to start right away" Chaeyoung uttered making Jeongyeon surprised. 

"Wait really? But how? I just woke up and Coma patients were supposed to take a rest for like a month before going rehab right? " Jeongyeon ask in a bit of excitement. 

"Chaeyoung..." Mina paused and stared at Chaeyoung with a proud smile. ".... took care of your limbs, the doctor said that your bones and muscles are healthy because of the daily exercises Chaeyoung performed on you. " 

Chaeyoung felt embarrassed hearing it again, she didn't really think it was a big of a deal. 

"Wow....." Jeongyeon uttered as she looked at her sister with amazement. "My no-jam bro did that to me, for four years?" 

Mina nodded smiling. 

Jeongyeon opened her arm again, which surely Chaeyoung jumped in again. 

"I love you" Jeongyeon softly uttered before showering Chaeyoung with a lots of kisses in her cheeks. 

"Ugh Unnie, you just woke up and you're already this gross" Chaeyoung tried to break free from Jeongyeon's hug but the latter hugged her tighter. 

"I'm not gross, you clean me everyday" Jeongyeon laugh as she slowly let go of Chaeyoung. 

Mina could only watch the two. She thought that this is how close Chaeyoung is to her sister. 

An hour passed, Mrs. Son never came back to the hospital. 

Chaeyoung wanted to stay with Jeongyeon for the rest of the night, But her sister insisted that she and Mina should go home and rest. 

After a bit of bickering from the two, Chaeyoung gave up and listened to what her sister said. 

"Okay, We'll go home, But I'll visit you tomorrow morning, so your lonely ass won't be too lonely anymore" Chaeyoung uttered. 

"Yes ma'am" Jeongyeon uttered playfully. 

Mina and Chaeyoung left and went home 

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