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"So it's just really us now?" Nayeon uttered as she played with the microphone in her hands.

"I never thought that'd would happen to the two" Jihyo uttered.

"Chaeyoung-ah.... Chae....yoohoo, earth to Chaeyoung" Nayeon kept calling to Chaeyoung who's unfazed, and just looking at nowhere.

When Chaeyoung was nudged by Felix who's beside her while tuning the guitar that was when she could respond.

"A-ah yes Unnie?"

Nayeon sighs "What's wrong with you girls?"

"by the way, Where's Mina?" Jihyo asks.

That's when Chaeyoung felt down again.

"She's with Jeongyeon Unnie" She uttered plainly then proceeds to pick the electric guitar on her right.

Nayeon and Jihyo nodded after hearing what Chaeyoung said.

"So let's start?" Jihyo uttered.

After a minute of practicing.

"Okay Stooopp, The hell Chaeyoung, you're so stiff!" Jihyo exclaimed.

"Loosen up girl" Nayeon uttered patting Chaeyoung's head.

Chaeyoung could only sigh.

"Maybe I can't really do this"

"That's not true Chaeyoung!" Nayeon protests.

"Yeah, you just need to let it all go Chaeyoung, don't hold back" Jihyo uttered, she dropped that sentence of hers with double meaning in mind.

Chaeyoung recieved that in her mind, she took the deeper meaning of Jihyo's statement.

Let it all go, don't hold back.

Right, As if she can, when it's her sister.

"Okay one more time" Jihyo claps as she signals to start again.


Chaeyoung halts as she was about to put on her helmet.

"Mina Unnie" She force a smile seeing her face.

"You going home?" Mina asks as she stepped closer to Chaeyoung.

"Yeah, Just gonna get some clothes, I'll be staying here tonight, you know, about the songs" Chaeyoung explained avoiding eye contact with Mina.

"oh... Um... Can I ride home with you? I kind of miss talking to you"

Chaeyoung chuckled at this. Of course she knows, she's been avoiding contacts with Mina these past few days.

"Why? Is there something wrong?" She asked.

"No... But, I just feel like you're avoiding me, is there something wrong Chaeyoung?" Mina asked, worried flashed in her face.

Chaeyoung gulped, of course she'd notice Chaeyoung, no woman in this world wouldn't notice if you're ignoring her.

"I-it's not like that Unnie, we're just busy, that's all, foundation month is coming after all"

Mina just nodded looking down her shoes.
Chaeyoung felt guilty seeing her like this.


"Come hop in" Chaeyoung uttered passing another helmet to Mina.

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