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"So how's her place?" Nayeon asked.

We are done with our morning classes, and so the girls decided to eat in a cafe near our school. 

"hmm it's really nice, it's spacious and quiet. And the view's really good just like what Dahyun said" I uttered while sipping a hot coffee. I smiled unconsciously remembering the coffee Chaeyoung made this morning.

"Oh, I can see that" Momo uttered smiling sheepishly.

"So unusual to see you drinking hot coffee during lunch Mina" Jihyo raised an eyebrow eyeing me as I sip my coffee.

I just smiled and continued to drink it. I didn't really notice that I ordered a hot coffee earlier, but Chaeyoung's coffee just really taste different and so I left the cup half empty. 

"Oh the juniors are here, Hello Jagiyaaa!" Momo uttered waving at someone. We turned our heads and see Tzuyu and Dahyun walking towards us. 

"Jagiya?" Nayeon asked in disbelief. 

"Heyya" Dahyun greeted while Tzuyu flashed a thin smile. 

They sat down with us after taking their order. 

I keep eyeing the door, I didn't see the one that I was expecting. 

"Where's Chaeyoung?" I asked Dahyun who was busy chatting with the girls. 

"Hmm? She's didn't went to school" She uttered, while I was left confuse. 

"Wait, she didn't what?, that's impossible, we went to school together this morning" I replied. 

I watched Dahyun and Tzuyu exchanged stares and chuckled awkwardly. "Ah maybe, she did went to school, maybe we just didn't see her Unnie" 

"Are you sure?" 

Dahyun just nodded and quickly changed the topic. I just shrugged, I didn't want to interrogate her, but Chaeyoung and I really went to school together. 

Chaeyoung insisted that she'll drive us to school. I saw her enter the campus with me. How is she not there. 

"Mina... Mina... Yohoo pengu~" I was stopped from my thoughts when I heard Sana calling my name. 


"I was saying that we want to visit your new place this Sunday, but we want you to ask Chaeyoung first if it's fine with her."  she uttered. 

"Ah sure, I'll ask her when I go home later" I replied. 

The girls continued their chit-chats, until afternoon came finishing our remaining classes. 

I went home later than usual since I finished my report at school. 

I twisted the knob, I opened the door with the spare key Chaeyoung gave me. 

I entered inside the dark hall, I tap the walls reaching for the light switch. 

I saw a note on the coffee table, I picked it and read the note inside. 

"Hey, sorry can't be home tonight, I bought some groceries earlier, so cook yourself a meal. Don't wait for me. Sorry, I'll treat you out next time.


p.s: [xxx-xxx-xxx]  here's my number, call me if you need anything." 

I sigh and closed the note, After taking a bath, I went to the kitchen to cook dinner. I cooked two portions of meal, I know Chaeyoung said she won't be home, But I still wanna cook for her. 

After eating I watched some movie. It was almost midnight, when I heard a knock from the front door. 

I kept the volume of the TV low, while I slowly walked towards the door.

That's surely not Chaeyoung. 

"Hey? Someone home?" I heard a woman's voice from the other side of the door. 

I didn't reply but slowly opened the door. 

"Oh hey, I know it's not good to talk right now, but Chaeyoung just hear me out okay, I'm sorry about what my-" Her sentence was cut off when she saw my figure. 

"Oh.. Um sorry, but Chaeyoung's not here, How can I help you?" I ask opening the door widely. 

The girl looked down. "Are you?.... Nevermind, I'll just go, sorry for bothering"  

Before I could utter any word, the girl had already walked. 
"Damn... I haven't even asked her name" I mumbled. 

 It's been 3 days, but I never saw Chaeyoung's figure ever since, I texted her a couple of times, but she'd just say that she's still handling something so she can't be home. 

I saw her a few times at school, but I don't know how to approach her. 

Dahyun said that she's always like that and so I shrugged and think that maybe she's really busy. 

But my guts are telling me otherwise. The girl that night still bothers me. But I couldn't tell Chaeyoung about it. I don't even know the girl's name. 

The night came, I still expect Chaeyoung to come home. I still cook two portion of dinner every night. And in the morning I'd see empty plates washed and settled in the cupboard, means she had ate it and so I'd smile with the thought she still ate the dinner I cooked even though we don't see each other that much. 

I finished eating my dinner, I washed the plates, and sat down on in front of my study table. 

We have a quiz tomorrow, and I decided to review. I don't really need to review since I remember the lessons well, but I've got nothing to do, watching TV and gaming seems boring now, which was unusual to me. 

I was reading silently, when I heard the front door banged loud. I quickly stood up and ran out of the room. 

I went to the front door, The door is wide open and saw Chaeyoung sitting down and leaning on the door frame. 

"Chaeyoung!" I quickly went to her side and flung her arms around my shoulder. 

Her eyes were completely shut, hint of alcohol in her system is noticeable. Cheeks flushed with red tint, ears as red as a tomato.  "Oh my God, What happened to you?" 

I gently dragged her inside, closing the door behind. 

I walked towards her room, but lucks not with me, because her door was shut locked. 

I've got no choice but drag her to my room. 

I plop Chaeyoung's body on the bed, I earned quiet groans from the latter. I slightly chuckled seeing her creasing her eyebrows. 

I went out for a while to get a basin and towel. 

"Come on Chaeyoung, let's change your clothes." I went to my closet and picked some clothes for her to wear. 

"I'm tired eomma"  i quickly turned around upon hearing her statement. 

Chaeyoung's talking in her sleep. I walked slowly towards the bed, I could see a tear sliding down her cheeks. 

I wiped it with the towel in my hand. 
I wonder what happened to you Chae.

I changed her clothes.... Of course with my eyes close. 
I hear her snore which made me smile. 

I sat on the side of the bed as I watch her sleep with her mouth slightly open. 

"You kinda look like a cub when you sleep" I whispered while tracing her face with my index finger. 

I covered her body with my blanket. I turned off the lights before stepping out of the room. 

"goodnight cub" I whispered before closing the door. 

That night, I slept on the sofa with my penguin plushie. 

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