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Chaeyoung's POV. 

Shit, I feel like anemic is kicking in. 
I dropped the cardboard boxes to the ground, the fashion department needs it. 

"Shit" I caressed my head. 

I fumble upon the railings to support my body, my vision's turning black, hearing felt like I'm being thrown into a void.


Who's voice is that? Is it Tzuyu? 
"Chae!" Oh is that Dahyun?

Wait who? Who's there? 

Somi... That's her voice, I think she's in front of me. 

But I can't see he-....

Just then, My body fell into the ground, probably too tired.
But it's just the start of the event, the first day. 


When I heard Chaeyoung had collapse, I quickly ran to the infirmary. 

Students was looking at me weirdly, I've been running for I don't know how long. 

Just this time, I hated how the campus is so big. 

F. U JYP!!! 

I smiled in worry when I was starting to see the infirmary's door. 

I harshly opened it, "Chae-" 

"Shh, don't be too loud, she's sleeping" 

I quickly looked at the girl who's lying down on the clinic's bed. 

Chaeyoung, she looks pale, and weak. 

"Tzuyu and  Chae's sister are on their way" Somi uttered as she fixes Chaeyoung's hair.

I clenched my fist, Why is she here?

No Mina that's not important right now, Chaeyoung's not fine. 

I just stood on the door, watching Somi takes care of Chaeyoung. 

I heard footsteps running from the hall, I look to see who, and Jeongyeon and Tzuyu was running towards us. 

"Unnie, how's Chaeyoung?" Tzuyu uttered as she arrived in front of me. 

I didn't know what to say and just pointed inside the room. 
Jeongyeon just nodded. 

Just then, Somi went out. 

"She's fine... Just need to rest" She uttered. 

Jeongyeon and Tzuyu went inside to see Chaeyoung. 

I was also about to follow, but Somi stopped me. 

"We need to talk" she sternly uttered. 

Just then, I found myself following her on the corner of the hall. 

The hall is empty, probably because the students are all in the fields, roaming around the stalls, it's the first day of the foundation week afterall. 

Somi leaned on the railings, watching the students down the building. 

"She's getting weak" She mumbled. 

"what do you mean?" 

Is she talking about Chaeyoung? 

She looked at me and chuckle. 

"aish, seriously, that girl" she uttered. 

"What? Tell me?" 

"I guess she didn't told you" 

I stayed silent, not knowing what to respond to her, tell me what?. 

"well, it's not my story to tell, maybe she'll tell you once the time comes... Or if it will come..." 

Her expression is unreadable, she speaks in monotone, what does she mean?

Just before I could say another word, Somi had already left, tapping my shoulder for the last time. 

I was left there, confused. 

Almost half an hour passed, till Tzuyu went out of the room and called me saying Chaeyoung's finally awake. 

I quickly ran towards the room, that's when I see Chaeyoung sitting on the bed. 

"Yo, Unnie" 

I didn't utter anything, but just ran towards her, I quickly wrapped her around my arms. "You... I was so worried, you idiot" 

My eyes watered as Chaeyoung's hand was tapping my back gently.

"Unnie....can't... Breathe." 

I quickly let go of her. "Oh.. Sorry" 

She chuckled. "No, I'm sorry" She smiled. 

After that, the school nurse told Chaeyoung to rest, she said she's anemic, and was lacking sleep. 

I guess she's really tired. 

Then I remembered how her mom handle her. 

Jeongyeon left with Chaeyoung, she said their mom will pick them up. 

When her mom arrived, I could see a hint of worry in her eyes watching Chaeyoung, it change when our gaze met, guess she hates me too huh?, 

she never went to help Chaeyoung and just let Jeongyeon lead Chaeyoung inside the car. 

Will Chaeyoung be okay? 

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