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Mina's pov

"Chae how's your piece going?" Tzuyu asks as she shove a plate with food to Chaeyoung's front.

After that night when I found out about Chaeyoung's secret, I'm still thinking of what could've happen between the two of them. 

But I'm not in the place to ask, I'll just wait for Chaeyoung to open herself to me, Time can probably bring her closer to me. 

Wait why did I want her to get closer to me?. 

"Um well... Haven't created anything" Chaeyoung nonchalantly uttered.

"When's the deadline?" Dahyun uttered.

"Wait Chaeyoung's an art student?" I asked.

"probably like next month. " She chewed her food after answering Dahyun's questions. After swallowing she answered mine with a question "you didn't know Unnie?" 

I nodded and so she shrugged. 

"Wait, that's like so near..." Jihyo spoke up. 

"hmm if I remembered art students tend to create a piece for two to three weeks right?" Sana added. 

"yeah, so what's up?" Tzuyu asks. 

"It's inspiration Tzu, and I got no model for my piece"  Chaeyoung answered with a bored expression. 

"Model? Are you doing painting?" I asked. 

Chaeyoung nodded and all of us gasp. 

"How about just download references online?" Nayeon asks. 

"Nah, I doubt Chaeyoung would use that, she likes making art out of a 3D reference, like an actual flower, or a real time scenery." Dahyun uttered. 

"What the... Chaeyoung that's too long to make" Jihyo uttered. 

"Hmm yeah, but what can I do, hiring models is hard, like you'll pay for their transportation, snacks bla bla bla" Chaeyoung answered. 

"Yeah, You'll need atleast someone close" Nayeon spoke. 

"Then Mina" Momo uttered. 

All of them looked at my direction. I pointed my index finger towards me. 


"hmm! Oh my God Momo, you're right!" Nayeon agreed at what Momo said. 

"I know right" Momo uttered smirking. 

"Mina's your housemate, and you don't have to pay for her transportation coz duh you live in the same apartment." 

Chaeyoung paused and she seemed to be thinking. "Unnie is that... Fine with you?" 

"Well, yeah sure, what are you even gonna make?" I asked. 

A moment of silent, She ducked down, bit her lower lip before speaking again. 

"N-nude.... Paint-" 

"What!?" My eyes widen at her statement. 

"j-just kidding Unnie, It's elegance!" She defended later on burst out laughing. "Your reaction was priceless Unnie!" She laughed again, the girls also laughed with her. 

I held my chest and sighed " Yah! I thought it was true, I almost died." 

"So is it fine with you Unnie?" 

"Yeah sure, I'll help you" 


Atleast I can pay her back even just a bit. 

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