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"Goodmorning" Chaeyoung greets Mina who just went out of her room.

"You're early" Mina uttered as she sits on the kitchen chair still with a sleepy head. She can see Chaeyoung was making coffee on the kitchen counter. 

"I couldn't really sleep" Chaeyoung uttered smiling. She walked towards Mina carrying two mugs in her hands. 

She placed the coffee she made in front of Mina. 
Mina beamed a smile as she takes the coffee to drink. 

"It taste great, thank you"

"You're welcome" Chaeyoung replied as she also took a sip on her coffee.

"You going to school today?" Mina asks as she stood up ready to cook the both of them their breakfast. 

"Nope, I'll be helping Unnie with her rehab today, but I'll be at school in the afternoon since it's my only class for today" Chaeyoung uttered sitting down on the table. 

"Oh, okay, well I'll cook some breakfast for Jeongyeon Unnie too, you can bring it to her when you go" Mina uttered as she turned the stove on. 

"Thanks Mina Unnie" Chaeyoung uttered as she stood up from her seat. "I'll take a bath first" 

"okay,  after that we'll eat breakfast, okay?" Mina uttered. 

"Yes Mom" 

Mina chuckled "Rude kid". 

Jeongyeon's POV. 

I feel like I was out in a eternity. 

I remember everything from my childhood to my high school.... 

But a part of my brain was keeping something.... 

"Okay Ms. Yoo, I'm about to ask you a question okay? Are you ready?" The doctor asks as he flips the pages he's holding. 

I nodded to him. 

"What was the last thing you remember before falling into a coma?" 

I tried to think. 

"The last thing I remember......" 

I looked down trying to recall what really happened. 



Mom... I saw mom

And dad, Chaeyoung... 

What happened again? 

I shut my eyes close as I felt a sudden pain in my head. 

my brain was keeping something.... 

" Okay we can pass on that for now" I heard the doctor uttered. 

I heaved a sigh and looked at my hands. 

"Do you wanna see yourself?" the doctor ask. 

I turned my gaze to him, he was carrying a small mirror with him. 

I nodded and recieved it from him. 

I looked at myself in the mirror, I look different now. 

I touched myself. 

I guess four years took me. 

" Your face looked different from when you were 21."

He's right, I do look different. 

My height was 1.59cm before the coma.
But now I am 1.67 cm.

The doctor kept saying it was all thanks to Chaeyoung's help. 

But what's this feeling inside of me. 



" No need to rush with your memories, they will eventually return, maybe your memories jumbled up after you went into a coma, You hit your head after all" The doctor uttered.


Hit my head? 

The doctor said his farewell and left the room. 

I closed my eyes trying to recall. 

But there was nothing. 

Third person's POV. 

"Unnie, let's go?" Chaeyoung asked pushing a wheelchair towards Jeongyeon. 

Jeongyeon nodded with a smile. 

A nurse helped Chaeyoung put Jeongyeon on the wheelchair. 

They arrived at a rehabilitation room. 

Chaeyoung sat on a bench as she watch Jeongyeon with some nurses helping her to start her rehabilitation. 

Chaeyoung was proud to see Jeongyeon surprising other patients who were in the rehab for weeks but couldn't come close to her sister's body's improvements. 

Jeongyeon could walk for 5 meters holding unto a steel pipe used to support a patient like her. 

It was already lunch time when the nurse called it a day. 

Chaeyoung went to her sister who's already sitting on the wheelchair and handed her a bottle of water and a towel. 

Just as Jeongyeon wiped her sweat, The door opened revealing Mina who's carrying a bag with her. 

"Oh Mina Unnie"  Chaeyoung stood up as she took the bag from Chaeyoung. 

"I brought lunch, Let's eat? You're probably tired right now" Mina smiled at the two as she walks closer. 

Jeongyeon on the other hand couldn't believe a girl like Mina was friends with her sister. 

They had lunch together talking about random stuff. 

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