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Weeks past ever since therapy started, the start was too rocky as we kept the motivations still for Chaeyoung.

Her hair began to fall just days after the therapy started but she's still as beautiful as ever to my eyes.

There would be times where I'd plan the future with her, and there would be nights where I could no longer see her in my future, I've grown scared, anxious, and slowly getting tired.

But I can't stop there.

"Come on Chae, eat please?" I've been pleading for almost an hour for her to eat.

And in the middle of it , her nose would bleed , or she'll puke out everything she ate.

Chaeyoung shook her head "Sorry"

"Come on, just one bite please?" 

Chaeyoung finally obliged.

I feel too sleepy,  I hadn't been sleeping for the past few weeks, I need to keep an eye on her, even just a little stir on her bed, I'd be awake and alert.

I held her hand, there were tons of tube connected to her arms, her hands are cold to touch

I could see Chaeyoung smiling at me.

"Do I look like Einstein now?" She asks with a giggle.

"Yeah... A pretty Einstein"

I stood up and landed a kiss on her forehead.

Chaeyoung smiled.

"You look sleepy" she uttered.

I shook my head and smiled.


"I'm fine, you should go home, Unnie will be here soon, she can take care of me"

It was almost an hour of pleading and arguing for me to go home, until Jeongyeon and Nayeon had finally arrived.

"Yeah Mina, you should go home first,  we can take care of Chaeyoung" Nayeon uttered.

"You've become closer nowadays huh?" Chaeyoung uttered eyeing the two.

"No, she's been harassing me" Jeongyeon uttered pointing at Nayeon.

"You like it anyways" Nayeon replied.

Jeongyeon just rolled her eyes.

I think I can trust them.

"Alright,  but I'll be back tomorrow morning" I uttered then going to Chaeyoung landing another kiss on her forehead.

"Take care" she mumbled.

I nodded at the two before leaving the hospital room.

I couldn't count the days I've been here, maybe this is how Chaeyoung also felt before.

I could feel my eyes getting heavy as I settled down inside the taxi.

Just when I got home, I slammed my body down the bed.

I hadn't wash the sheet since, I'm glad it still smell like her.

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