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"Um... Coffee?"

Mina just got out of her room carrying her bag with her.

She was startled of my sudden call. 

"Wow you're early" She chuckle, so did I.

"And yes, coffee please" She added then placing her bag on the kitchen table. 

I placed the brewed coffee in front of her, I caught a peek of what's inside her bag. 

Lots of medicine? 

"what's those for?" I asked. 

She zips her bag close and smiled at me "just some medicines I carry around, cons of being a law student" She chuckles. 

I just smiled at her "drink your coffee before you go" 

"Thanks, Sorry I can't cook breakfast today, I have to be early, y'know, ballet things" She joked. 

I chuckled and nodded "no need to worry, Just eat there, okay?" 

She smiled and nodded "Yes ma'am" 

After that I drove her off to school. 

I attended classes in the morning, and in the afternoon, here comes the another rehearsals. 

On the way to the music room, I saw Dahyun with Momo, but then they also met Tzuyu and Sana on the way. 

I sighed when I noticed the two is still ignoring each other. Momo and Sana could only smiled awkwardly at each other probably tired of the two. 

When Tzuyu and Sana turned to another corridor, that's when I ran towards Dahyun. 

"Dubu, Momo Unnie" 

Dahyun and Momo looked at me "Oh hi Chaeyoung, you heading to the music room?" 

I smiled and nodded at her. 

We walked inside and see Nayeon, Jihyo and the boys setting up the instruments. 

"Oh hey kiddos!" Jihyo uttered. 

"Yah, I'm older than you" Momo replied. 

"Yeah, but you act like a kid Momo" Jihyo replied back. 

I could only laugh silently watching them. 

"Oh Dahyun, Are we finally getting back to business?" Nayeon uttered. 

The three of us walked towards them. 
I noticed Momo kept staring at Dahyun.

Okay, Something's going on. 

"Nah, I'll just be the piano-girl, I won't sing Unnie" 

Nayeon just nodded. 

"So let's start?" Jihyo uttered. 

"Then, I'll be heading now, we also have some practice" Momo uttered waving her hand. Before leaving she stole a quick glance at Dahyun. 

Hmm... That's... Anyways. 

I sighed, Do I have to try my best doing this?. 

I felt a tap on my shoulders. 

"You can do it"  

"Mina Unnie" 

"Oh Mina, didn't notice you were here." Jihyo uttered. 

"Well I pass by the room and saw you starting so I sneaked in" Mina laughed. 

Wow, I never thought a word from her would have this effect on me. 

"geez Unnie, Go now, no peeking on our performance, we don't do spoilers here" 

Mina chuckled and nodded "Fine, I'll get going now"

Mina left and we continued our practice. 
 The foundation will be tomorrow afterall. 

I sigh, but then smiled thinking of Mina's words. 

We just finished practicing, I left the room to roam around, I can see different departments making their stalls and booths. 

I smiled watching the place, sure it'll be crowded tomorrow. 


What is she doing here?

"Jeongyeon Unnie, what are you doing here?" 

She chuckles "Well, this will be my school in a few days, that's what I'm doing here." 

So she'll see Mina often now?. 

" Then let me show you around then" she placed her arms around my shoulder as we roam around the campus. 

Many students steal glances at us, they find Jeongyeon Unnie really attractive, a tall woman with a pretty face, who wouldn't?. 

But why do I feel tons if insecurities hitting me, I should erase those thoughts, she's my sister after all. 

"Waah, that was so nice, This campus is huge, too bad I can't come here tomorrow, oh btw When's your performance?" 

Jeongyeon told me she's staying with Mom tomorrow, and they'll be going to meet dad, she asked me to go with them But I lied that I'm needed in the campus tomorrow. 

I just don't want to see mom, bet she'll just screw me up. 

"It's on the last day, it will be a concluding performance" I uttered as we both headed towards the campus gate. 

"how bout Mina's performance?" she asked I gulped. 

"Same day, but they'll be performing in the morning" 

I can see Jeongyeon nodded, and by that I see a familiar car stopping in front of us. 

I was met with a piercing gaze, but when she turned her gaze to my sister, she gave her the sweetest smile. 

I chuckled. 

"Hi mom" Jeongyeon greets. 

"hello baby, hop in" Mom replied, she didn't even greet me?. 

"Oh Chaeng, we will be having dinner, wanna come?" Jeongyeon uttered. 

I quickly turned my gaze to mom. By the way she looked, she doesn't want me there huh? 

I shook my head "Nah, I still got some things to take care of, you and mom should go now" I forced a smile. 

"Aight, byebye Chaeyoung" Jeongyeon just smiled and sat on the passenger seat. 

The car left, and I sighed, she really hates me that much huh? 

I opened my phone when it buzzed. 
It's Mina asking me if I'll be home. 

As much as I want to, I can't have me falling harder for her, I can't, I shouldn't. 

Guess I'll sleep inside the storage room of the art department. 

I chuckled, same old days. 

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