13- Satzu Slice

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Tzuyu's Pov. 

"Tzu Tzu" 

I hummed in response, I was silently reading a book when this tofu bothered me. 

"Let's go eat lunch with Sana Unnie" she uttered with an excited tone. 

It's been 3 months since we were included inside the girls circle. 

Dahyun been wanting to see Sana, and just dragging me anywhere. 

I sigh "Dahyun, If you want to, just go, I'm still reading a book, I'll be there, I'll just wait for Chae." 

"Huh? But Chaeyoung's with Mina Unnie." 

They're together again? 

"Just go, I still need to read these books" I lied, there's really nothing to read, I just don't like hanging out with them for a while because of something... Or someone.

Dahyun groaned loudly earning a glare from the librarian who slipped from a bookshelves, I couldn't help but laughed silently. 

Oh Dahyun, she's pissed. 

"Tsk fine, see you later, I guess" Dahyun rolled her eyes before leaving the library. 

Ah finally, peace. 
I put down the book and looked somewhere through the window. 

I'm sitting in a table near the window, the place is silent, there are only few people inside the library. 

I plop my head down the table. 

Ah I'm bored, I just wanna go home and play with my dogs. 

"Penny for your thoughts?" I quickly lift up my head to see the owner of the voice. 


"No, Sana Unnie" I said boringly as I look away from her resting my chin on my palm. 

Why is she here?.

"hmm.... Then..." I felt her pulling the chair beside me. I quickly looked at her. 

"What the, Sana Unnie just go, the girls are waiting in the canteen, Dahyun's also waiting for you there" 

"come on Tzuyu, why are you like this to me?" 

I closed my eyes as I was already feeling irritated. 
To be honest I can't really resist her, but, I don't like breaking my walls down. 

Once is enough. 

"I'm always like this to anyone" I said plainly as I pick the book again. 

Sana snatched the book away from my hand making me shot her a glare. 

"Chaeyoung's an exception right?" She suddenly blurted. 

Ah here she goes again. I rolled my eyes. 

"you're so easy to read Chou Tzuyu" She uttered in a teasing manner, whispering my name slowly in the end. 

I ignored her and just picked up another book. And again she snatched it. 

I glared at her but in a second she leaned closer leaving only an inch for our faces to touch. 
"But I don't mind that grumpy side of yours" she whispered flickering her sight from my eyes to my lips. 

"Stop" is what I could say before looking away from her. 

I heard her sigh "Tzuyu, She will never like you back if you're like this" 

Again, Sana hitting another bullseye. Why's this girl even in the fashion major when she could pass as an archer. 

"I'm not trying to make her like me" I uttered plainly still looking at nowhere. 

"but you're making me like you" She blurted. 

I'll seriously Bury this woman alive. 

"Look, why are you trying to get in my pants?" I finally faced her, Irritation is probably visible in my face. 

"you're so pretty, I can't help myself" she smirked upon saying these. 

I felt sad of what she said, They're all the same. Only wanting me because of my appearance. 

I smiled remembering something. Which I clearly see making Sana confuse by my sudden expression. 

"Chaeyoung saw me differently" I look like an idiot smiling like this. 

With all of them calling me pretty, among the crowd, Chaeyoung saw my worst yet embraced me warmly. 

Sana showed me an unreadable expression. 

Sana's POV 

"Chaeyoung saw me differently"  Tzuyu uttered with a bright smile. 

How am I going to compete with that? 

I could only stare at her, How will I ever win over that?

"Sana Unnie, Dahyun like you, why don't you just go to her" 

I know Tzuyu, I know. 


"But you're the one I want" I protested. 

Tzuyu chuckled. "Well you're not for me" she stood up and started to pile the books. 

I wanna slap myself for still thinking Tzuyu's so hot showing that expression even though her words is clearly hurting me. 

I was left staring at her. How can I win you? 

"How can I win you?" oh, my thoughts spilled. 

She looked taken aback by my words. But then smiled again shaking her head. 

"Maybe if you turn blonde, I'll consider" she uttered before turning her back on me carrying the books to the shelves. 

I stood up and ran after her earning some stares from other students. 

"Really?!" I asked in a bit of excitement. 

She just chuckled then left after returning the books. 

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