chapter 30

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Parker was just picking up chelsie frowns kindergarten, Drake is on a 5 days business trip because of a big project that came up.

Parker had almost forgot his husband was a rich businessman and can't always be around, he was about to put chelsie in the car.

"Help! Help! Help!"

Parker immediately looked around frantically looking for were the shouting is coming from. He picked out his phone ready to call the police running to the direction of the shouting.

"There!" A little boy points over in the corner of the bushes

Parker run to brushes but saw no one. He was confused.

"Ah!? Help there you are!"

A foreign looking guy or ger came up to parker and pick a cat out the bushes rolling his eyes.

"Okay your fine"

Parker was confused what was going on?

"Sir what's your emergency?"

"False alarm, I'm very sorry" parker said hanging up.

"Excuse me, I'm sorry for the inconvenience" the blond guy in shades said nervously.

"Um, by any chance is your cat's name.... Help?" Parker asked awkwardly

"Yeah strange, I tried to advise my son not to but ..... he didn't want to listen"

The little boy took the cat brushing it.

"It's cool, my girlfriend said it's funny" the boy funny.

'Isn't he little too small to be talking about girlfriend, does even know what that is?'

"Oh don't worry he doesn't mean it like that" the Ger reassures parker.

"Mommy!" Chelsie yelled

"Ah angel!, over here" he said

"Chelsie" the boy yelled

"Oliver!" Chelsie ran up to them with her small legs she hugged Oliver around the neck smiling.

"Mommy, this is Oliver my friend"

Parker tilts his head looking at the boy with pretty light blond hair and cute dusky brown eyes his cheeks was rosy with honey colored skin he looked like an angel with the white snow ball cat in in his arms.

Parker looked at the mother who looked really young he had thin mid length blond hair blush cheeks and porcelain skin when he put the glass above beautiful emerald eyes were revealed.

"Oh so this cute bundle of rose is chelsie. He talks a lot of you I'm frankie" he tilts his head smiling and hand out his hand.

"I'm chelsie mommy and daddy's angel" she smile shaking her hand

"Careful you adorable thing or I might just steal mommy and daddy's angel" frankie jokes

"Hello I'm parker Faulkmoore" parker smiled

"Franklin Richards nice to meet you" Frankie said

"Oliver, since your mommy met my mommy maybe now he can come bring sweets and you can eat it most of the time" chelsie said happily.

"Yeah that is good right money?"

"No Oliver, we are fine" he said sternly

"But mom-"

"No, I'm sorry for the inconvenience Mr Faulkmoore" Frankie apologizes

"It's okay, his chelsie's friend right?" Parker smiled "its chelsie's offer to a friend, doesn't mean much"

"Mommy said it's good to share with friends chelsie will share when chelsie has lots of friends. And since Oliver and Help is chelsie's new friends it's only right chelsie gives them lots of cake to eat with chelsie" she smile.

Because of the surgery and chemotherapy chelsie had no friends and had to stay and home school for the last 6 months so this year she barely had any friends of her own, and Oliver who was knew to this school befriended her and the two became close after the last 2 weeks.

"Oliver" Frankie said in a low tone but smiled warily "sure, um here is my number"

Parker and frankie exchange numbers and the two part ways. Frankie made a call frowning.

"Hello, yeah in an hour I'll be in" he said dejected.

The little boy frowns putting down down the cat, Frankie frowns.

"Don't be upset you'll be back before mornin comes" he reassures him.

"But you'll be sick and too tired to take me to school" he frowns

"Haha what? I'll make it this time promise"

"You always say that"

Oliver just walked away not saying anything more.

Parker went home and cook dinner for chelsie and put her to bed returning to their bedroom, then sighed it's been 3 days and parker already can't stand not seeing Drake.


"Help! Help!"

Help: meow

Hahahaha hahaha

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