Side Story 6

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Parker yawned but slightly hissed,

"Mommy what happened to your mouth?" Chelsie asked 

"Mommy accidentally ….. bit it?" Parker said wonder what excuse to come up with 

"🎶how you gonna whisper bout the things that you seen, and how you don't know how to keep your business cleannnn. daughter don't know mommy's gettin hot- Ack!" William held the back of his neck. "I was only singing!" 

William defends himself, Parker had thrown the baby at him Parker then glared at him. "Don't play with me! I know what you are doing!" Parker yelled

William smirked, it was funny though, he picked up the shake toy then shook it over Heaven who was feeding on the bottle, his tiny hands stretched forward to try and reach. His pretty blue followed the shaker as if he was fascinated by it  William lowered it down and he touched it then hit it.

"Heaven really likes it mommy" Chelsie said 

"Of course, it's lovely" 

The sounds of shakers were annoying to him but babies found these things nice since they haven't developed a taste in anything yet and were generally new to the world.

Chelsie looked over at him, he moved from the shaker to chelsie touching her face, specifically her soft cheek. She smiled, flustered with happiness she then leaned in and kissed Heaven which made him giggle, Parker removed the bottle not wanting the giggle baby to choke and he generally didn't seem all that hungry. He put him on the mat where the two siblings can play.

It was mostly of Chelsie pampering him with kisses or playing the shaky toys and sometimes singing him to bed, but Parker would sit and draw the two happily. Right now his gallery is full with family drawings, paintings and art. There in the bedroom halls and many places, he does some for Louis and Sharon and both were grateful. 

Parker decided when Heaven walked he would start back his healthy routines, of yoga, art, cooking, cleaning (barely they call cleaners two times a week) and just relaxing.  

Since his initial switch his life has been so okay he feels lazy, there is the YouTube channel of course that gives tips and shows his art he has been on a temporary leave since he was pregnant. Maybe he should make a business from it. Making art carvings and everything per request. 

Yeah that is a good idea to push himself past his limits, but they say once a hobby becomes about business it's not fun anymore. So it's best to set some terms as well.


Louis crawled from under the sheets on top of Sharon, with a bright morning smile Sharon looked down from his phone at him. He already knew that smile meant something that he probably doesn't want to answer.

"Good morning honey" Louis said 

"Morning love" 

"So…. how many spawn have you spurted?" Louis asked 

Sharon sighed, put down his phone then sat up and drew Louis up to sit on him. "If I answer you have to promise you won't get mad" 


Sharon breathes, he then mumbled " around seven" 

Louis breathes in relief, "pfft are you serious? Like that's not much like your only 1 number less than mine but don't worry it's-" 

"Ty nine" 

"Ok to nine?" Louis said 

"Ty nine……" 

Louis paused but then open his mouth, "tu plaisantes ?! tu es un putain de garçon ?! sérieusement Sharon ?! Comment avez-vous atteint ce nombre ?!" (are you kidding?!you where a fuck boy?! Seriously Sharon?! how did you reach that number?!)

"Louis breath, you said you wouldn't get angry"

Louis breathes in and out, he's not angry really it's a hard pill to swallow. Sharon presumably being a fuck boy just never crossed his mind, and he was so surprised he forgot to speak English. 

"I uh, am not angry, but seriously how did you reach that number?" 

"Well, you can say it's either a brown thing or I was a rebellious child who wasn't ready for marriage. I knew once I marry I'd have to mature up" 

"So you went hopping around? Weren't you afraid you would knock someone up?" 

"I had precautions, besides it came in handy didn't it?" 

He kissed Louis on his lips, Louis bit his bottom lip still trying to get past that number.


2 months passed by…. 

Ling entered the bathroom where Luther was, because of the rain last night he got wet in the rain so Ling offered to stay over. They may have done the devil's tango for the first time in 3 months of dating. 

'Hmm, I guess his checking on his clothes' 

Luther then looked at Ling and smiled. "Um, who does this belong to?" 

"Oh that belongs an old friend" ling walked over and take in 

"You keep his shirt around?" He asked curiously 

"Should I throw it away?" Ling smiled raising a brow

"Return it would be more appropriate" Luther said 

"I'm sorry but I can't, his moved away" 

Now that Ling thinks about it, he hasn't heard from James since the day of the departure and it said his phone was out of service. His worries especially since he recently lost his sister, he sends the browns and a bouquet of black roses to each member. He heard it drove his mother crazy, the reason Clarice wasn't found was because he went in as her family. Now it's time for the reveal. 

Ling had posted her video of falling off the roof that was caught by a couple touring the bridge side. 

"I guess so" 

Luther hugged Ling around the waist.

"How about we go some more rounds?" He said smiling 

Luther leans in and kisses him around the neck then looks up at the light blue safe behind him. 



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