chapter 84

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"Mr. Blakesley! Mr. Blakesley!" The woman shook his shoulder

James jumped from his desk in a bit of dazed, he rubbed his tired eyes. "What? What?" He held his head because it was beating fast and heavily. "Ugh! What time is it" he asked dejected

"8:30 sir, I think it's best you go home sir. You seem a lot stressful these days"

James looked at his wristwatch, the woman felt sad her boss recently has either overworked himself she doubts he is getting any proper sleep.

"Your shift is over you can go home now"

"But sir"

"Go home okay!" He yelled and stood up quickly with anger laid all over his face

This startled her as he had never yelled before, he was cold at times but yelling was never done.

"O-okay!" She said frightened

She hurried and shuffled her things leaving, James flops back down in the seat, he heaves sighing. His heart was heavy, his head was throbbing, he was tired, his parents were worried about him but he couldn't tell them he had to be patient. He went to his drawer and opened it. There were two different bottles of pills, one that had a prescription for headaches and pain, the other one was antidepressants.

He took out two tablets for each and swallowed them with the bottle of water that was on his desk. He eased back, tired and frustrated by everything. He looked down in his drawer to see there was still a turned down picture frame in it, he took it up and looked at it.

It was a picture of him, her and Johnnie.

"Baba let's go play rwocket, I'll fly we fly"

He wasn't the biological dad, but he was a dad to him. He looked at her all he could feel was anger, frustration and sadness. Was she faking that too? Was she never happy? Was he so oblivious to everything that he couldn't see that she didn't love him and was cheating on him?

But in the end it was best if those questions weren't answered because he believes if it was he wouldn't know what to do, after a while of contemplating with himself he looked at his wristwatch once more. It was late 9:05. He got up, packed up then closed for the night waving at the security.

He walked to the train station, he almost crashed a week ago due to his tiredness so he stopped driving. He went down to the subways to wait on train, he is tired and drozy. Sleeping here might be better than going home.

Soon a train stops, he went on it there was much people it was almost empty. He held on to the bar dejected looking through the window, wondering....

"What if I jumped out this moving train.....
Would I die?" He asked himself


He turned his head and wide open his eyes in shock when he saw a pair of his favourite charcoal eyes. It looked at him so with such shock but then soften with sadness.

"It's that painful huh?" Ling turned and face the wall looking through the window. "If your gonna die make sure it isn't painful" he said

James looked at him, was this his way of cheering him up. "So it's okay for me to die"

"If you want to die then die. I'm not stopping you" Ling said

"Aren't you a little too harsh?"

"Being harsh is telling you not to and not knowing what you've been through, so if your gonna die make sure there are no misgivings cause there are worse things than death" Ling said

"Hmm, what is that?" James smiled still looking in to his face

"Life" Ling said bluntly while fixing his glasses

"That's dark"

"It is isn't it, but if your gonna die. Don't die miserable that's an horrible way to die die at peace with yourself"

For some reason James felt better, the wind blew through the train and James sniffed the air.

"Um, can you lend me your wrist?"

Ling looked at him confused, but still passed it to him. James took his palm gently and put his nose at his wrist gently bending his hand backwards.

The scent of freshly made pastries was still on him not to mention the dash of lemon scent, it's alluring and delicious so much it makes you want to.... he dragged Ling closer and laid a kiss upon his lip.

Ling was surprised at first but he didn't reject as it became heated, he held on to him tightly and James did the same.

Train suddenly stopped and both of them shake opening their eyes, it was only just a fantasy. James bit his lip blushing luckily it was their stop.

"Well this is where we head out" Ling voice was shaking from embarrassment

"Yeah, see you around"

As both exit the train the quickly went there seperate ways with hearts pounding and cheeks heated.

(A/n: okay my intrusive thoughts wants angst not a random kill or a kill towards a person I want to die. It's just general like what would happen if sharon or Louis die or maybe both die how the kids would react something like that. It's the desire to see tragedy so not anyone would do but people like Drake and sharon or Louis and parker you can even throw chelsie in the mix, so what I'm saying people like Clarice won't do nor parker's parents)

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