chapter 42

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Parker and Dennis just got dress and ready to go out.

"Come on shawn it's time to go" Dennis said

"I'm sorry I can't come" drake kissed parker

"It's okay, you just need to be there for the next shopping cause this is only the beginning" parker laughed. "Just try to survive with turning red up there"

Parker rolled his eyes seeing Deborah glaring down at him, soon all they all left as Drake went outside to collect chelsie and Roy who were playing out in the snow.

"Come on angel, Roy. I'm going to have to do some work so I need you inside" Drake said.

Chelsie put the little shovel in her hand in the air.

"Daddy can we watch cartoons please?!" She grinned


"Yay!" The two children cheered running inside

Usually he'd let them not get too addicted to TV and tablets and just had chelsie running around and being active, Drake didn't fancy seeing kids spending most of there time sitting in a corner playing games.

So he didn't let chelsie plays on the tablet for more than two hours, and parker understood so since his a stay at home wife he often plays with chelsie when his not baking, painting or doing home exercise. Basically parker try to keep himself busy as well.

Parker was so different from before he barely recognized him, he does use social media to post his art or baking skills. He doesn't sometimes him and chelsie but he doesn't post a lot of things like her school her name and mostly keep some things confidential.

Back then parker's media was about partying now it's just simply family time and hobbies, he even made it for with his Art channel.

Drake put them in the living room and turn in the TV to something appropriate for kids without supervision, something with Christmas in it like the grinch who stole Christmas. Since it was not only chelsie he wanted to be fair with Roy, after giving them some cookies with milk to eat while watching the movie he went in the world room to put a live meeting on his laptop where he could do business.

Usually he'd not be working around these times but because it was an emergency he basically had to do something for the time being.

Some time passed and Deborah was getting bored and needed to watch something she went into the kitchen for some snacks then went to the living room where the big screen TV was.

"Oh no, no, no, you brats are gonna have to leave now it's my turn" she said sitting in the sofa,

"But daddy said we can watch the TV" chelsie said looking up at her.

"But it's a pity, it's my turn now so daddy can go to hell now" she said looking down

"Mommy said It's not nice to say bad things about others" chelsie furrowed her eyebrows

"Your mom's a hypocrite" she said pressing the remote

"What's a hypocrite?"

"Do you ever shut up God! Urgh!" Deborah groans

Chelsie immediately furrow her eyebrows when she saw the movie on the screen.

"What type of movie is that?"

"A fun Christmas movie" she said sarcastically

"Like elsa? Or Christmas Carol?" Chelsie asked smiling

Deborah then smiled and looked at the inquisitive chelsie, she had an idea on how to get back at parker.

"Yes, just like that infact I recommend you watch it"

Chelsie looked at the TV as the movie started to play.


Drake just finished up with his meeting and decided to go check on his baby girl, Drake eyebrows furrowed when he heard loud screaming and growling. As for as he knew grinch didn't sound like that; did he even growl.

As he quickly ran inside the room he only saw Deborah laughing hysterically as chelsie crying on the sofa terrified, Roy's head was hiding under the cushion covering his ears. Drake looked at the TV to see it was an adult rated slasher/horror movie, immediately Drake grabbed the remote and turn off the TV.  Who the fuck gave her (Deborah) access to those.

"Daddy" chelsie ran hugging Drake thighs tucking her head hiding her face, "Santa's going to eat me" she cried.

Instead of feeling guilty Deborah laughed out loud as the now terrified chelsie looked face at Drake's thighs crying.

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