Korean Numbers

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Finally and update after a loooong time! We have looked at the sino numbers ("il i Sam" system from the Chinese) and now we are going to look at Korean system which we will combine with time description. Let's begin!

One - 하나 -  ha-na

Two - 둘 - dul

Three - 셋 - set

Four - 넷 - net

Five - 다섯 - da-seot

Six - 여섯 - yeo-seot

Seven - 일곱 - il-kop

Eight - 여덟 - yeo-deolb (the "b" is silent. So: yeo-deol)

Nine - 아홉 - a-hop

Ten - 열 - yeol

Eleven - 열하나 - yeol-ha-na

Twelve - 열두 - yeol-du (the "l"/"ㄹ" from "dul" (two), is removed here. If you wanna continue counting. You take "yeol" and add he number you want to make for example: yeol-da-seot "열다섯", meaning fifteen)

1 hour - 한 시간 - han si-gan (the "ㄴ" is placed under the "하" and "ㅏ" at the end is removed)

2 hours - 두 시간 - du si-gan (the "ㄹ" is removed)

3 hours - 세 시간 - se si-gan ( the "ㅅ" under "세" is removed

4 hours - 네 시간 - ne si-gan (the "ㅅ" under "네" is removed)

5 hours - 다섯 시간 - da-seot si-gan

6 hours - 여섯 시간 - yep-seot si-gan

7 hours - 일곱 시간 - il-kop si-gan

8 - hours - 여덟 시간 - yeo-deol si-gan

9 hours - 아홉 시간 - a-hop si-gan

10 hours - 열 시간 - yeol si-gan

And so on ... 열세 시간 (13 hours)

"시" comes from "시간" which means "o'clock". For example: 열두 시= 12 o'clock. (Listen to "Gotta Go" by Chungha, where she sings 12 o'clock in Korean!)

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