Words with 요 - yo

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The vocabularies in korean ( ㅛㅕㅑㅐㅒㅔ ㅖ ㅗ ㅓ ㅏ ㅣ ㅠ ㅜ ㅡ ) can't b writtn as rh first character of th word. That's why the silent character ㅇ is added.

1. 용 - yong - dragon

2. 요즘 - yo-jeum - nowadays

3. 요소 - yo-so - element

4. 욕설로 - yok-seol-lo - by profanity (profanity = swear words)

5. 욕설 - yok-seol - abuse

6. 요청 - yo-cheong - request

7. 요구 - yo-gu - demand/claim

Just a few words with 요. Not a lot of words start with 요/yo in korean, so here is just a few.

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