Mom/dad - 엄마/아빠

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Let's learn how to say mom and dad in korean. There are different ways.


엄마 - eom-ma - mom/mother ( this is used by children and adults)

어머니 - eo-meo-ni - mom/mother (this can be a nickname for your mother. Your close friends can also call your mother with this word if they are close.)

어머님 - eo-meo-nim - mom/mother (this can be used by inlaws, and your friends if they are not close, they add 님 - nim at the end.)


아빠 - a-ppa - dad/father (used by children and adults)

아버지 - a-beo-ji - dad/father ( can be a nickname for your father. Your close friends can also call your father with this word if they are close.)

아버님 - a-beo-nim (this can be used by inlaws, and your friends if they are not close, they add 님 - nim at the end.)

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