Fruits | 과일 | kwa-il

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Apple(s) - 사과 - sa-kwa (사과 - sa-kwa do also means apology. )

Mandarin(s) - 귤 - kyul

Grape(s) - 포도 - Po-do

Grapefruit(s) - 가몽 - ka-mong

Watermelon(s) - 수박 - su-bak

Melon(s) - 멜론 - mel-lon

Banana(s)- 바나나 - ba-na-na

Orange(s) - 오렌지 - o-ren-ji

Mango(s) - 만고 - man-go

Lemon(s) - 레몬 - le-mon (the l here slightly sounds like R)

Pineapple(s) - 파인애플 - pa-in-ae-peul

Cherry(ies) - 체리 - che-ri

Cantaloup(s)- 칸탈루프 - can-tal-lu-peu (the l in lu sounds a bit like r)

Kiwi(s)- 키위 - ki-wi

Tomato(es)- 토마토 - to-ma-to (some of you are propaply going to say that tomatos

Strawberry(ies) - 딸기 - Ddal-ki

Blueberry(ies) - 블루베리 - beul-lu-be-ri (all L here sounds slightly like r)

Blackberry(ies) - 블랙베리 - beul-laek-be-ri (again L sounds slightly like r)

Raspberry(ies) - 라즈베리 - ra-jeu-be-ri /산딸기 - san-ddal-ki (you can use both)

Peach(es) - 복숭아 - bok-sung-a

Nectarine(s) - 넥타린 - nec-ta-rin (you can also say 천도복숭아 - cheon-do-bok-sung-a)

Korean Melon(s) - 감외 - kam-wi

Plum(s) - 자두 - Ja-du

Pear - 배(s) - pae

Asien pear(s) - 배 - pae

Persimmon(s) - 감 - kam

I hope that helped you out a bit. ^^

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