Culture: Korean table manners

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Here is a short list of what you have to know about Korean table manners.

First off, before you eat you have to say:

I will eat well - 잘먹겠습니다 - jal-meok-ke-seub-ni-da

A way of saying thanks for the food.

Remember that the oldest person at the table has to eat first!

3. Don't eat too fast. Let the elders finish first. And of course this only counts when you are not eating with your friends. If you are eating with your friends, just skip this rule. ;)

Korean meals usually have a lot of side dishes. If there are any shared dishes or side dishes DO NOT dig around in the food. Take the first piece you touch with your chopsticks in the shared dish.

Do not leave the table while eating. Go to the bathroom before you sit down to eat. And this is only if you eat with elders or strangers. Family and friends won't mind.

Always eat with chopsticks, forks or spoons! Never with your bare hands!

Now you have finished eating and are ready to say:

I ate well - 잘먹었습니다 - jal-meok-eos-seub-ni-da

Which also is a way of saying thanks for the food.

There you go! Now you are ready to eat with Koreans!

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