Ha-da | 하다 = to do

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하다 - ha-da

If a verb ends with a consonant you add 하다 at the end. If it ends with a vowel, you add only 다 without 하 At the end.

착하다 - chak-ha-da - to be good

이기적이다- i-ki-jeok-i-da - to be selfish/bad

게으르다 - ke-eu-reu-da - to be lazy

부지런하다 - bu-ji-reon-ha-da - to be diligent

조용하다 - Jo-yong-ha-da - to be quiet.

웃기다 - ut-ki-da - to be funny

똑똑하다 - ddok-ddok-ha-da - to be smart

해 - hae - be/do (depends on the situation) (informal)

착해 - chak-hae - be good /is good

조용해 - jo-yong-hae - be quiet (often said in kdramas.)

똑똑해 - ddok-ddok-hae - be smart

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